Chapter 57 - Lucy's Condition

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Natsu's POV

Another day of boring paperwork. I was signing a deed to a new hotel I've opened up when the phone on my desk rang. I picked up the phone and held it up to my ear. "Hello" I greeted while keeping my eyes on my paperwork. "Natsu, you need to come down right now. Something's wrong with Lucy" Mira said urgently on the phone and I immediately looked up from my paperwork. Worry filled my entire body hearing something's happened to Lucy.

"I'll be down right away" I replied before hanging up the phone and running to the elevator. I rapidly pushed the button over and over until the doors open and then rushed inside. As the elevator descended, my mind raced over what could've been wrong with Lucy. Did someone make her cry? Is she sick? Did someone hurt her? Oh if someone hurt her then they're going to die by my hands.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, I walked out of the elevator and looked around for Lucy. I immediately spotted her on the floor in the middle of the lobby. My worry heightened when I saw the condition she was in. She was trembling and breathing rapidly. Sweat glistened all over her body and her eyes were bloodshot. One thing that confused me though was why did she look terrified of me?

When Mira rushed over to me to explain what happened Lucy shouted. "No! Stay away from him Mira!" she shouted and Mira looked over at her confused. Something was very wrong with Lucy. "Tell me what happened" I asked quietly so Lucy couldn't hear us. "She just barged into the lobby and collapsed to the floor like she was running away from someone. When I asked her what's wrong, she kept desperately calling for you. I'm really worried about her Natsu" she replied. I gave her a simple look saying 'I'll handle this' before walking over to Lucy.

It broke my heart to see her crawling backwards away from me with a terrified expression, but I kept pursuing her. I need to get her to calm down so I can help her and find out what happened. When she hit a glass wall, I took this chance to corner her. "Please. S-Stay away from me" she begged while crying which pained my heart even more. She was staring at me like I'm a monster who's going to murder her but I could tell she wasn't in her right mind. As Mira said, Lucy was desperately calling for me earlier but now it looks like she doesn't even recognise me.

I slowly crouched down to her level. "Lucy, it's me. Look" I said softly as I grasped her shoulders gently. As soon as my hands held her, she screamed and thrashed in my arms like a crazy person. My grip tightened trying to hold her down. "Please Lucy calm down" I said calmly but she continued to scream and thrash around. "Stop struggling, I'm not going to hurt you" I said but it didn't seem to be getting through to her. She kept screaming 'NO!' and 'GET WAY!'. Whatever did this to her has really messed her up.

I heard Mira rush over to me and hand me a cloth. "Use this" she said. I instantly realised that this cloth had chloroform on it. Knocking Lucy out for a few hours was probably better than keeping her in this condition. I thanked her and then turned to Lucy. "NO! LET GO OF ME!" she screamed again and I felt pain in my heart again.

I felt bad about having to do this to her but it was our best option at the moment. It was either this or tie her down to a bed in the infirmary. I definitely don't want to see Lucy suffer like this any longer so I covered her nose and mouth with the cloth. "Sorry Lucy" I said quietly for only her to hear and then she started to relax her body. Just before she closed her eyes, I heard her mumble "Natsu" which pulled my heartstrings. Seeing her peacefully asleep, I sighed in relief and then gently pulled her over into my arms. One arm supported her back while I used my other hand to gently comb my fingers through her hair.

"You're safe now Lucy" I whispered before kissing her forehead and picking her up bridal style. My relief soon turned into a very dangerous and powerful emotion. Mad didn't even begin to describe the raging emotion inside of me. Someone did this to Lucy and I'm going to make them pay violently. They messed with the wrong man.

When I turned around, I noticed almost the entire mafia had come down to see who was screaming. First I need to get Lucy to the infirmary and get Wendy to do some tests on her, then I wanted to have an emergency mafia meeting to find this motherfucker.

"Everyone, meeting in 10 minutes downstairs. Wendy, follow me" I ordered with a growl. "Yes sir" everyone replied seriously, and Wendy pushed through the crowd. I began to carry Lucy towards the infirmary with Wendy following which everyone instantly moved aside to clear a path for us. Halfway through the crowd, I remembered that Laxus was away on a small mission I assigned him so he's not here to see Lucy in this condition. "Someone inform Laxus" I ordered before leaving the lobby.

When we arrived at the infirmary, I laid Lucy down gently onto one of the infirmary beds. Wendy immediately walked around to the other side of the bed and examined Lucy. "What can you tell happened to her?" I asked. "Well I will need to take a blood sample among other things but from the physical symptoms she was displaying. I'd say she was suffering from delusion. Once I take a blood sample, I'll be able to know more about whatever caused this" she said.

I placed my hand on top of Lucy's head and stroked her forehead with my thumb. She looked so peaceful sleeping. At this moment, I really wanted to stay here and watch over her but I need to go to the emergency meeting. "Call me when you've found something" I ordered while keeping my eyes on Lucy. Wendy nodded, "of course" she replied with a reassuring smile. Satisfied with Wendy's response, I walked out of the infirmary leaving Lucy in Wendy's care.

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