Chapter 75 - Seeing Red

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Natsu's POV

'Where would he have taken her?' I thought to myself as I sat at my desk in my office. In front of me on my desk were Lucy's keys that Erza found in the rubble of the cottage. As much as I want to storm into every place until I find her, the city is too big and we have limited time. I considered all the common places he frequented which were his penthouse, business, and warehouse but those would be way too easy. He would make it as hard as possible for me to find her. I had everyone out searching for any clues on her whereabouts. Gray had been taken to the infirmary and was being treated by Wendy.

I anxiously fiddled with the gold promise ring on my finger on my right hand. Lucy had given me the promise ring to match hers before I left to fight Acnologia in the warehouse. It doesn't have a tracker inside, but in her words 'this is my promise to you, I will always believe in you and love you'. Wait, her promise ring! She's still wearing her promise ring with the tracker! How could I forget?!

I rushed to grab the phone and rang for Levy. "Yes boss?" she asked as she answered the phone. "Lucy is still wearing her tracker. Track her and report to me asap" I ordered. "Oh yeah! Right away" she replied and then I hung up. I felt jittery so I began to pace my office. After ten minutes which felt like an hour to me, Levy came through the elevator doors. Levy put her laptop down on my desk and turned it towards me. On the screen, it showed a map with a red dot blinking on Acnologia's penthouse. That son of a bitch did take her to a common place. He either thought I wouldn't look there because it would be too easy or he wanted me to find him.

I picked up my suit jacket off the back of my seat, my Fire Dragon Slayer gun and Fire Dragon Slayer gloves. "Shouldn't we wait for the others to return before we storm the place?" she asked. "No time" I replied as I walked into the elevator and pushed the down button. "I'll let everyone know your location and they'll back you up as soon as they can" she said before the doors closed. Lucy was the only thing on my mind all the way down.

After I got out of the elevator on the underground car park level, I ran to my black Mercedes-Benz car. I jumped into the driver's seat and raced out of the car park. As I followed Lucy's tracker, I kept to the speed limit so I didn't get delayed by the cops. My hands clenched the steering wheel for the entire journey.

When I arrived in front of Acnologia's building, I jumped out of the car and ran inside the lobby. I would appreciate how luxurious the lobby was if I wasn't trying to save Lucy from a life-and-death situation. I pressed the elevator up button around a hundred times before the elevator doors opened. I rushed inside but noticed a similar key card system to access the penthouse suite.

I stepped out of the elevator and called Levy while holding the doors open. "Yes boss?" she answered. "Can you hack into the elevators? There's a key card system blocking me access to the penthouse" I ordered. I heard some fast typing on the other end of the call. "Ah I see you aaaaand...there" I heard her say and then a successful beep sounded from the key card scanner. "Thanks Levy" I said and then hung up before entering the elevator.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, I ran out and kicked down Acnologia's front door. What I saw behind the door made me feel extreme rage. Acnologia was holding Lucy up off the floor by her neck. Lucy was weakly grasping at his hand. Her entire body was covered in dark bruises, cuts and blood. Acnologia smirked when he saw me. "Glad you could join us Natsu" he said and then threw Lucy to the side like a ragdoll. She screamed in agony as she collided with the wall before falling to the floor. When she hit the floor, she didn't move at all and I began to see red.

I yelled in anger and then ran at him while igniting my Fire Dragon Slayer gloves. He ignited his own magic gloves. With all my strength, I tackled him to the ground and began to punch his face multiple times. He took two hits before using his legs to push me forward and roll me off him. I rolled and twisted to face him. We both stood up and I threw the next punch. He blocked it with his arm and then punched me with the other arm. I stumbled back and then sent a kick to his chest, forcing him to fly across the room.

He crashed into the stone kitchen counter. When he sat up, he noticed a bleeding cut on his bottom lip. He wiped the blood with the back of his hand and smirked at the sight of his blood. I started stalking towards him. "No one's ever made me bleed before, I'll have to return the favour" he said and then in a blink of an eye, he was in front of me and kicked me in the stomach with immense force. I couched up blood from the impact and then flew backwards towards the balcony. I landed hard on the floor and rolled until I hit the balcony railing.

Now it was Acnologia's turn to stalk towards me. "Natsu" I heard Lucy call weakly and turned my attention towards her. I saw her in the same position, looking at me with worried eyes and reaching out towards me. "The bitch isn't dead? I admire your stubbornness" Acnologia said before walking towards Lucy. I wasn't going to let him lay another finger on her. I raised to my feet and ran to stand in between them. "Your fight is with me" I growled while shifting into a fighting stance.

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