Chapter 9 - Shut up Gray

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I woke up from the best sleep in my life. Natsu's bed was so comfy last night, even better than my own. As I was about to get up, I noticed a strange weight across my waist. Looking down, I saw it was a muscular arm. My eyes wandered up the arm to find its owner which turned out to be a half-naked Natsu. I instantly blushed at the intermate position we were in and then became angry that Natsu had snuck into the bed while I was sleeping.

"Lucy Kick!" I shouted while kicking him in the stomach out of the bed. "Ouch Lucy, why did you do that?" he groaned as he held his stomach. "Why were you in bed with me? I thought you were going to sleep on the couch" I asked as I got out of the bed and crossed my arms. The sound of my foot tapping filled the room. "I couldn't sleep. The couch was too lumpy" he replied with a pout. I sighed, 'well I did take his bed' I thought and decided to believe his excuse. "Alright but don't do it again" I said and he smiled.

He picked himself off the floor and walked into the walk-in wardrobe. I grabbed and laid a pink striped tube top and long skinny jeans on the bed from my bag. Soon Natsu came out wearing a dark grey suit with a white undershirt and a dark red tie. He then went into ensuite to brush his teeth before coming back out again.

He pulled up his right sleeve to reveal an expensive watch on his wrist. "I've got an appointment at eight so we'll have to get food when we get there. Is that alright with you?" he asked as he checked the time and adjusted his tie. "Yeah that's alright. Let me get changed and we can get going" I replied. "Ok, let me know if you need anything" he said before leaving the room. I changed into the clothes I laid out and then went into the ensuite to brush my teeth. I assumed the red toothbrush was Natsu's and the pink toothbrush was the one he left out for me.

When I was done, I came out into the living room with my black purse over my shoulder and found Natsu waiting for me by the front door. "Ready to go?" he asked and I replied "yep." "Alright. See ya later Happy" he said to Happy who was curled up on the lounge. Happy meowed back like he was saying 'see you later'.

We took the elevator down to the lobby and bumped into Gray and Erza. "The car is ready Boss" Erza reported. Natsu gave a nod in acknowledgement and walked towards the automatic sliding doors. Outside the building, a black Audi A8L sat waiting for us on the round driveway. Natsu got into the back seat on the right side while Gray opened the left-side back door for me. "Thanks Gray" I said while sitting down inside the car. "Anytime" he replied with a smile. He closed the door, walked around the car and then sat in the driver's seat. Erza did a quick surveillance of the surroundings before sitting down in the passenger's seat.

"Dragneel Inc." Natsu ordered and Gray nodded before starting the car. As soon as we pulled into the open road, Gray spoke up. "So, how was sleeping over in Flame Brain's pigsty?" he asked. I was confused with what he meant. "Shut up Gray..." Natsu warned. "Pigsty? What do you mean?" I asked. "His penthouse, wasn't his place a mess?" Gray asked, completely ignoring Natsu's warning. "No, it was perfectly clean" I replied. Gray and Erza shared a look and both of them smirked. "Really? Interesting" Gray said like he just heard a juicy secret.

I look over at Natsu and he seemed strangely more interested in the scenery outside of the window. "Hey Lucy I'm quite curious. Did he do anything inappropriate to you last night?" Gray asked and I immediately blushed thinking about the position we woke up in. "Oo I see that blush. So he do something" he said with a smirk while looking at me through the rearview mirror. "Don't say anything Lucy" Natsu begged. "Natsu..." Erza said in a dark tone and Natsu began shaking in fear. This is new, a mafia boss is shaking in fear.

"A-Aye?" he stuttered nervously. "How dare you touch Lucy inappropriately!" she shouted. "S-Sorry, it was an accident!" Natsu screamed. "Was it Lucy?" Erza asked as she turned her attention to me and I flinched. I looked over at Natsu and he mouthed 'please help me' desperately. "Yes it was. It was an accident" I replied with a fake smile. "Alright if you say so Lucy" she said and turned back around to face the front. Natsu mouthed 'thank you' and I mouthed back 'you're welcome' with a smile.

Soon we arrived in the Dragneel Inc. underground parking lot. As we were walking towards the elevator, I notice Erza whispering something into Natsu ear. His brows creased as he listened and nodded. 'What did she tell him?' I wondered. "I've organised you to hang out with Levy for the day" Gray told me, pulling me away from Natsu and Erza's conversation. "Ok" I replied as we filed into the elevator.

When the elevator stopped on the 23rd floor, Gray stepped out. "Follow me Lucy" he said before walking down the hall. I stepped out and followed him. "See you later Lucy" Natsu said with a bright smile before the elevator doors closed. Gray led me to a small office with a nameplate on the left saying 'Levy McGarden'. He knocked twice before opening the door. "Hi Lu!" Levy greeted with a smile. "Lu?" I questioned, "it's a nickname. I hope you don't mind" she replied. "No, I like it. Can I call you Lev?" I asked, "yep!" she replied. "Well, I'll leave you two to chat" Gray said and turned to leave. "Thanks Gray" I said and he smiled over his shoulder at me as he walked away. I closed the door and sat down in the seat beside Levy. 'Better start thinking of questions to ask Natsu at 10 o'clock' I thought as I took my notepad and pen out of my purse.

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