Chapter 2 - Laxus

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"So how come Laxus never told us about his sister except for you, Flame Brain?" the raven-haired male asked as they all filed into the van. Gajeel sat in the driver's seat, the red-haired female sat in the passenger, Natsu sat beside me and then the raven-haired male sat next to him. "Laxus wanted to keep her a secret to keep her safe" Natsu replied as he untied my ropes.

After he untied me, he swung an arm around my shoulder but I knocked his arm off. The raven-haired male chuckled, "I like her. Hi, I'm Gray" he greeted and held his hand out for a handshake. I shook his hand and Natsu gave him a glare. "It's nice to meet you, Lucy. I'm Erza, the driver is Gajeel and our Boss right next to you is Natsu" the red-haired woman said. 'Is this really the fearsome Fairy Tail mafia I've heard about?' I wondered as the fear I had of them disappeared.

The van eventually stopped in an underground parking lot at an expensive building. "Where are we?" I asked as we filed out of the van. "My company, Dragneel Inc." Natsu replied and then pulled me excitedly into the building by my wrist. He took me into the elevator followed by everyone else. After wiping a gold keycard, he pressed the button for the top floor. "Only people from the Fairy Tail mafia have a keycard to my personal office" Natsu explained proudly like a child which was kinda cute. Who knew the Fairy Tail mafia Boss is so childish. When the elevator opened, I noticed half of the whole floor was his office. There was a large wooden crescent-shaped desk with two stiff moss green sofas in front of it. To the right, there was an angry Laxus sitting on one of the white leather lounges in the lounge area. Oh no.

"NATSU!" Laxus shouted in anger before grabbing Natsu's neck, choking him. Gray, Erza and Gajeel didn't bother helping Natsu. "How dare you bring my little sister into this!" Laxus shouted. "She...found out...herself" Natsu choked out and then Laxus threw him across the room before turning to me. He stomped up to me and then grabbed my shoulders. "Lucy, are you hurt? Did you get shot? Did any of them touch you?" he asked in worry. "Natsu did have his arm over her" Gray muttered but Laxus heard. "WHAT?!" Laxus exclaimed in rage and stomped towards Natsu.

Natsu crawled backwards away from my angry big brother and I knew I had to stop this. "Laxus stop!" I shouted and then hugged his arm. I stopped him from getting any closer to Natsu. "But he-" "no! That's enough Laxy, he doesn't deserve any more of your punishment" I interrupted him using the nickname I used to call him when we were little. "Laxy?!" Gray, Gajeel and Natsu burst out into laughter. "Lucy, never use my nickname in front of the mafia" Laxus grumbled. "Now that that's over" I said and then grabbed him by the ear. "Ow, ow, ow" he exclaimed in pain. "Where the hell have you been?! I've been so worried about you for three years!" I shouted. The three other guys in the room fell to the floor laughing. "Let go of my ear and I will explain" Laxus said. I let go of his ear and then he rubbed his sore ear.

"I left to keep you safe. Gramps used to be the Boss of this mafia until he passed it onto Natsu and our old man is the founder of the Raven Tail mafia. I wanted to keep you away from this world" he explained. I was surprised that our Grampa used to be the Boss of the Fairy Tail mafia and that our father is the founder of the Raven Tail mafia. "It hurt me when you disappeared. I was worried something bad happened to you" I said with tears about to fall. Laxus pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry for worrying you. I won't ever leave you again" he replied. "That's good because Lucy's joining our mafia" Natsu said and in an instant, Laxus threw a knife he had on the back of his belt at him. The knife landed into the wall beside Natsu's head but he looked unfazed like this has happened before.

"She is not joining our mafia" Laxus growled. "She would have better protection if she's with us than protecting her from the shadows" Natsu replied. "What do you mean you were protecting me?" I asked. I've lived a completely normal life before getting kidnapped by them so this doesn't make sense. Natsu walked over to his desk and sat down with his elbows on the desk and his hands intertwined together. "Isn't it a bit weird that you were the only one weren't allowed to do any big stories for Sorcerer Weekly?" Natsu replied and now it all made sense.

"When Gramps passed on the mafia to me, Laxus told me about you and how he wanted to keep you safe from our world. Since you recently became a writer for Sorcerer Weekly, we knew you might accidentally put yourself in danger following a big story. So, we threatened your supervisor Jason to not let you on any dangerous jobs" Natsu explained.

I slapped Laxus' arm, "ow what was that for?" he said as he held it in pain. "For threatening Jason. You know I can handle myself" I replied. "Really? How do you think you got captured?" Gray said and I glared at him. "How did you bump into Natsu, Erza, Gray and Gajeel anyway?" Laxus asked. "Yeah, I wanted to know too. How did you figure out about our meeting?" Natsu asked with interest.

"I overheard my friend from work say she heard from a contact that your mafia and Sabertooth mafia were going to meet tonight. I thought it seemed fishy two famous mafias would accidentally slip an important meeting and that Kardia Cathedral's words were mixed up. So, I looked closely at the words and found the hidden word 'DOCK' inside" I explained. "Hm, Erza get Levy to come up with a new message system tomorrow" Natsu said. "Yes Boss but it's already tomorrow. It's 3 am" Erza replied. I looked at my watch and she was right.

"Well, I've got work tomorrow morning so I'm going to go home" I said and turned towards the elevator. "Hold on Lucy. You're staying at my place" Laxus said and then I turned back to him. "Why? Everything's sorted now, isn't it? Why can't I go home?" I asked. "Now that you know us directly, it puts you in danger plus being Laxus' sister will put you in more danger. As I said before, you're going to be a part of our mafia so we are able to protect you" Natsu said. Laxus glared at him, "I will not allow my only little sister to be put in more danger by being in our mafia. She is not joining" he said with no room for arguments.

"I say it's Lucy's choice. It is her life after all. What do you want to do Lucy?" Gray asked. I gave him a smile in thanks and he smiled back. "I agree. Lucy should decide" Erza said. "I don't care if Blondie joins or not" Gajeel said shrugged with his arms crossed. "Lucy, please for once listen to your big brother" Laxus said and I gave it a quick thought. 'If I don't join I get to go back to my normal life without my big brother. If I join the mafia, I get to stay with my big brother but will that mean I will have to quit Sorcerer Weekly?' I thought. "Do I have to quit my job?" I asked Natsu. "No but you will need a bodyguard" Natsu replied. That answer solidified my decision, "then I'm joining your mafia" I replied with a smile and Natsu smiled at me while Laxus groaned. "Great! Then it's official welcome to the Fairy Tail mafia Lucy" Natsu said with a big smile.

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