Chapter 41 - Natsu vs Laxus

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"Then I found Happy in my room with a note from Natsu. I was so surprised that he could talk and fly" I told Levy. I was telling her all about what happened on my date with Natsu as we were walking through the halls towards the cafeteria. "Oh, what did the note say?" Levy asked eagerly. "That he was too nervous to tell me something but realised it wasn't the right time. So once everything is over with Raven Tail, he wants to take me out to dinner again and tell me" I replied. A bright smile unconsciously grew on my face as I told her. "Awe! I think I know what he's going to tell you" she squealed with excitement.

As we were nearing the cafeteria, we heard a huge bang followed by a loud crash. Levy and I looked at each other with concern and then ran to the cafeteria to see what's happening. When we arrived at the cafeteria, it looked like a war zone. People crowded next to the doors to watch the action, tables and chairs were turned on their sides and small burn marks scattered all over the room. In the middle of the mess were Natsu and Laxus. Natsu was crawling between flipped tables to hide behind while dodging lightning from Laxus' Lightning Dragon Slayer gun. How the hell did this happen?!

"How dare you date my sister!" Laxus shouted as he shot at Natsu who was hiding behind one of the flipped tables. Argh! I should've guessed! How embarrassing. "Laxus! Please stop this!" Natsu begged and tried to peek over the table but quickly ducked down to avoid another shot. "Not until you pay! You better not have touched her!" Laxus replied, aiming his gun for another shot. I groaned and passed my handbag to Levy. "Please hold onto this for me" I said as I pulled out my whip handle from my handbag. I walked up to the boys' fight and activated my whip. Electric blue water-like magic energy with gold energy spiralling around it poured out of my handle and slithered down to the floor.

I circled my whip around my body and then whipped it at Laxus, wrapping him up with it. Laxus looked down at the whip in surprise before I jerked him down to the floor. "Lucy!" he exclaimed as he looked up at me before I walked up to him and grabbed him by the ear. I released my whip around him and then he got up as I began to drag him out of the cafeteria.

"Natsu, you come too" I ordered sternly, and he stood up from his hiding place. "Yes Ma'am" he replied and obediently follow behind us. Everyone we passed looked at us with shocked expressions. 'Why are they looking at us like that?' the question passed my mind. I didn't stop walking until we arrived at a quiet hallway with no people around. I let go of Laxus' ear but kept my back turned and crossed my arms. I was furious at Laxus, he went too far this time. Not to mention how embarrassing it was. Now the whole office knows I dated Natsu. I'm sure I'm going to be teased.

"Lucy I-" I cut off Laxus, who sounded guilty. "Save it...Just leave me alone" I said and then walked away leaving them there. Neither of them argued as I walked away from them. I need to go somewhere private or at least somewhere Laxus isn't. 'Maybe a walk will help?' I thought. As long as I stay near Dragneel Inc. I should be fine plus I have Erza and Natsu's training if I run into any trouble. Deciding a walk would help me feel better, I decided to head towards the entrance to Dragneel Inc. As soon as I walked through the lobby, nearing the entrance, I heard Natsu call out "Lucy!" behind me. I turned to see him running up to me.

"Where are you going?" he asked once he caught up to me. "I was thinking of taking a walk, somewhere away from here. I need some space to think but not where HE lives or works" I replied as I crossed my arms and looked away with a grimace. "I understand how you feel but what about Raven Tail? They're still out there" he said, trying to convince me to not go. "I don't care at the moment if Raven Tail attack me. I just want to get away from HIM" I replied. There's nothing he can do to change my mind at this point. He sighed as he scratched the back of his neck. "Ok, how about we go to the park near here? I can come with you to protect you. I promise, you won't even know I'm there" he offered. I thought it was really sweet for him to offer and I would feel a lot safer with him by my side.

"Yeah, that would be nice, but I would prefer to have your company instead of you shadowing me" I replied, and he smiled. "Ok, just let me contact Levy first and then we can get going. It'll only be a short walk alright" he said and I nodded. He pulled out his phone and typed a number in it before putting it up to his ear. "Hi Levy..." he greeted and then he sighed while turning his back on me. "No Lucy didn't kick my ass..." I giggled when I heard him say that. "Look, Lucy needs to take a break from Laxus so we're going to take a walk at Southgate Park and I need you to use the public cameras to keep an eye out for Raven Tail. Can you do that right now?... Great. If anything happens, contact me on the earpiece...Thanks Levy" he said and then hung up.

"So we can go?" I asked as he turned around to face me. He nodded and I smiled. I'm so glad he isn't trying to stop me. He pulled a small grey object out of his pocket. "What's that?" I asked. "It's an earpiece" he replied and then put it into his ear. "We use it to communicate to our friends on missions" he explained. I've only heard about it in Spy novels and movies, but I've never seen a real one before. "Anyway let's go. We need to go before Erza tries to give me more paperwork" he joked with a bright smile as he grabbed my hand then and pulled me out of Dragneel Inc. I giggled, letting him pull me towards the park.

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