Chapter 65 - Hot Springs Part 1

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Natsu's POV

"Hot springs?" Lucy's conversation with the girls piqued my interest during dinner. I pretended to focus on my meal while listening in on their conversation. "Yeah, there's an open-air hot spring not too far from here with the best views of the island. Natsu sectioned it off as a private hot spring for Fairy Tail to use with male and female sections, and we're thinking of going tonight. Do you want to come?" Levy asked, quietly. "But we can't tell the boys. We wouldn't want them to try and eavesdrop on our girl talk" Cana added. Lucy smiled, "I would love to come" she replied. The girls smiled back, happy to have her company.

So they're going to the hot springs, hm? I've got to find out what Lucy says about me. "Great, Erza and I have come up with an excuse to tell the boys so they don't become suspicious. At eight o'clock, we sneak away from wherever we are. If you're with a boy and he asks where you're going, tell them you're going for a walk on the beach with the girls" Mira explained. "We meet at the very back of the gardens" Erza added. Great, I know their sneaking away plan and their meeting location. I struggled to keep myself from showing a smirk.

While thinking of a plan to secretly follow them, I decided to include more boys into my plan. Gray, Gajeel and Jellal would be perfect to listen in and peek at their love interests with me. I considered bringing Laxus to listen in on Mira but I wouldn't want him to kill me if he knew I was peeking on his little sister in the hot springs, even though she's my girlfriend.

After dinner, I gathered the boys in my office and told them my plan. The plan was we hang around until the girls leave and then follow them from a distance. When they reach the hot springs, we sneak into the male section without them knowing then listen and peek at them through the screen. "So that's plan" I said when I finished explaining. A smirk grew on our faces simultaneously.

When the time came, I was busy playing a video game while Lucy was getting dressed in the ensuite. She came out in a pink singlet and a navy skirt. I pretended to be focused on my game until she grabbed her small pink backpack. "Where are you going?" I asked her innocently while pausing the game and turning to her. She turned to me and gave me an innocent smile. "The girls and I are going for a walk on the beach" she replied. 'Liar' I thought with an inward chuckle. "At night? Isn't that dangerous? Should I come with you?" I asked as a protective boyfriend to throw her off that I know her whole plan. "I've got all the girls with me. I'm sure we'll be fine" she replied. "Ok and you've got your phone with you? Call me if something happens" I said and she held up her phone. "Got it. See you later" she replied and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before walking out of the room.

I pretended to continue my video game for a few minutes and then I paused it. When I was sure she was gone, I quickly grabbed my black hoodie and rushed out of the room to where the boys were waiting outside my room for me. We hurried down the hallway until we were stopped by a person.

"Going to the hot springs?" Laxus asked us, leaning against the wall ahead of us. "Ah, yeah. It seems like a perfect night to bathe in the hot springs" I replied and the boys behind me nodded in agreement. "Well enjoy your bath like normal, nice and normal" he said as he pushed himself off the wall and walked past us. "What do you mean by that?" I asked while watching him past us but he remained silent. The four of us looked at each other and then shrugged before continuing our secret mission.

Everything was going according to plan, we followed the girls all the way up to the hot springs without them noticing us. We snuck into the male section and dressed down into only a towel around our waists. After we find out their secrets, we can spend some time in the hot springs while we're up here. I signalled the others to come closer to the wall separating the male and female sections. With the other girls in my mafia, I had no interest in adding sneaky peeking spots to the wall but now I kind of regret it since Lucy came into my life.

"So~ Lucy, how are you and Natsu doing?" we heard Cana ask and I leaned closer to the wall. "W-What do you mean?" Lucy asked with a cute stutter. "Like has he had a play with these bad girls yet?" Cana joked and Lucy screamed. "Cana!" Lucy exclaimed and I can only imagine Cana playing with her breasts. Those bad girls are mine.

The guys and I leant up against the wall to hear more but we screamed as we felt electricity zap through us and forced us away from the wall. "Did you girls hear something?" Levy asked and we quickly went silent. We didn't even breathe. "Probably an animal or something" Erza said and then they went onto meaningless conversations.

The guys and I quietly sighed in relief and then inspected the wall. I touched the wall lightly with my finger but quickly retracted it when I felt it zap me again. "The wall is booby-trapped" I whispered. "Who set this up? This wall was never boobytrapped before" Gray whispered. I put two and two together. Lightning, this was Laxus' doing. It explains the weird conversation we had with him earlier too. "It was Laxus" I whispered, and they understood what I meant. "That bastard. I guess this is useless" Gajeel quietly growled, putting down the hand drill. Laxus must've installed the booby-trap earlier today, knowing this might happen. As much as I hate admitting defeat, if we try to find a way to peek through to the girls, we'll be giving away our position by electrocuting ourselves. "We'll just have to listen to them from here" I said and sat down near the wall. The boys followed suit with grumpy faces. At least we'll get to hear what the girls think of us.

Fortunately, we heard some positive and cute conversations about us come up which brought smiles to our faces. At least half of our mission was a success but someday we're going to get payback on Laxus for booby-trapping the wall. As we were taking our after-mission bath in the hot springs, I came up with a brilliant idea. Tomorrow night, I was going to invite Lucy to my private hot springs that no one else knows about. It's my special place to relax and think on the island. There, I can get some romantic alone time with her under the stars. I smiled, excited to tell Lucy about our plans tomorrow.

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