Chapter 8 - Penthouse Suite

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When we got to the apartments, Natsu first led me to Laxus' room. "Grab a change of clothes and then we'll go up to my apartment" he said as we walked in. He followed me to my room and watched me grab some necessaries from the doorway. "Why can't I just stay here?" I asked as I packed. "We can't risk you being alone even in the building. Until Raven Tail is not a threat, you need to stay with someone and since Laxus isn't here you will stay with me" he replied. I couldn't find any problem with that.

After I gathered everything I might need, he led me up to his penthouse suite which was called room 777. Like his office, the whole floor was his apartment. He had a 180-degree skyline view, balcony, outdoor swimming pool, hot-tub and office. The design of the whole apartment was similar to Laxus'. "Make yourself at home" Natsu said and then walked over to the cupboard to grab a blanket and pillow. "You can take my bed while I take the couch" he said before dropping the blanket and pillow on one of the lounges. "No, I'm the guest here so I should take the couch" I argued. "Don't worry about it. I wouldn't let a girl sleep on the couch" he replied with a smile.

Suddenly I felt something fluffy rubbing against my leg and I looked down to see a blue cat. 'Why is the cat blue?!' I thought in surprise. "Oh hey Happy, I'm home" Natsu greeted and then knelt down to pet the cat. "Happy?" I asked, wondering if I heard the name correctly. "Yeah, I named him that because he made everyone happy" Natsu replied as he stood back up. "Why is he blue?" I asked, curious on Happy's colouring. "I'm not sure why. He was blue before I picked him up off the streets" he replied. 'Happy was a stray?' I thought as I looked down at Happy and then back to Natsu. I smiled, Natsu is so sweet.

Happy turned to Natsu and meow loudly. "Alright, I hear ya. I'll get you your fish" Natsu said before heading towards the kitchen with Happy by his feet. I followed them and leaned on the kitchen island as I watched Natsu grab a can of tuna from one of the top cupboards. He picked up a blue bowl with a fish design out of the sink and put the contents of the canned tuna inside. As soon as he put it on the floor, Happy chowed down hungrily.

Natsu chuckled, "Happy loves his fish" he told me. "So, what are we going to have for dinner?" I asked. "How about we order pizza?" he suggested, "or I could make dinner?" I offered. "Really?!" he exclaimed happily and I swear I could see a little bit of drool coming out of his mouth. "Yeah, if you don't mind" I replied, "please!" he said enthusiastically while gesturing to the fridge. I giggled at his enthusiasm before walking over to the fridge. He mumbled something I couldn't hear and I turned around. "Did you say something?" I asked, "no" he replied innocently. Maybe I was hearing things.

When I opened the fridge, it was fully stocked with meat, fish, vegetables and fruit. "What are you hungry for?" I asked as I turned around to look at him. "Spicy chicken wings?" he replied, "alright, give me half an hour" I said and then grabbed some raw chicken wings from the fridge. "Yes!" he cheered and then walked over to the lounge. He flopped onto it with his back facing me, grabbed the remote and turned on the television. I started cooking Natsu's spicy chicken wings and my chicken teriyaki stir fry while listening to the news. Luckily, I found some teriyaki sauce in the fridge door.

As I was cooking, something on the news caught my attention. "Breaking news. Five police officers were found dead in a downtown warehouse earlier today. Third-degree burn marks were found all over the victims' bodies. Police say the officers were investigating a call about a disturbance that happened around midnight last night. Police suspect this is the work of a mafia but are still investigating on which one is responsible for the murder," the news lady reported. 'How awful' I thought while I continued cooking. "This is definitely the work of Raven Tail" Natsu said. I couldn't tell what kind of expression he was making but from his tone of voice, I could tell he was mad.

"How do you know?" I asked, "the scorch marks on the concrete and burn marks on the police officers were caused by Flare's Crimson Hair whip" he replied. "Crimson Hair whip?" I asked, wondering how a whip could cause that much damage. "Her whip is made up of multiple red hair-like leather cords which can split into multiple whips and catch fire to burn her victims" he explained. "So, it's another illegal magic energy weapon?" I asked. "Yep" he replied, popped the 'p'. "Ok, anyway dinner is ready" I said and he jumped off the lounge. "Yes I'm starving!" he cheered before running to the dining table and sitting down. I rolled my eyes at the fact that he went from serious to childish instantly.

With both plates in my hands, I brought the food to the table and then sat down. As soon as I put Natsu's plate in front of him, he began eating immediately like he hasn't eaten in a week. I took it as a compliment that he liked my food.

After we finished dinner, Natsu showed me to his bedroom. He had a Super King size bed against the right wall with red covers, white pillows and oak wood bedside tables on either side. Behind the bed was an accent wall that looked like dark red dragon scales. From the bed there was a skyline view of the city. His room also had a his and hers walk-in wardrobe and ensuite with a shower, bathtub and wall hung vanity.

As I looked around his room, I noticed a fire dragon statue sat on the left bedside table along with a digital alarm clock. I guessed that was the side of the bed he liked to sleep on. "There's a brand new toothbrush and towel in the bathroom so feel free to use them," Natsu said as he passed me and walked into the walk-in wardrobe. I sat down on the right side of the bed and admired the room. 'Now that I think about it. This is the first time I've ever been in a boy's room beside Laxus'' I thought. I never had any male friends growing up because Laxus used to scare any boys who had any interest in me. So, this was definitely a first for me.

"So, I was thinking. For that interview, I've set aside a ten o'clock appointment tomorrow for you so you can have the rest of the day writing the article. Is that alright?" I heard him ask. "That works for me" I replied and then he came out in only his red boxers. My eyes couldn't help but stare at his sculpted torso. "Like what you see?" he smirked and I quickly turned away with heat rising to my cheeks and my heart pounding. "W-W-Why are you d-dressed like that?" I asked, "this is how I always dress for bed. I'm not going to sleep in my suit" he chuckled and then I heard him moving towards the door. "Goodnight Lucy" he said and I replied "goodnight" before he closed the door. I sighed as I flopped my back onto the bed. 'Why is my heart beating so much?' I thought as I put a hand on my chest. Unfortunately, I was too tired to answer that question tonight.

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