Chapter 56 - Fear and Drugs

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Lucy's POV

After my night of passion with Natsu, I was interrogated all morning by Laxus on where I was all night. I told him everything...except about the part where Natsu and I slept together. He would probably kill Natsu and cut off his balls for taking my virginity without his consent. It's not like it's any of Laxus' business on who I sleep with.

I had a skip in my step as I was walking home from Sorcerer Weekly. It's great to be able to walk through the streets of Magnolia without a target on my back. I missed writing my articles, even the small stories. "Careful not to fall in the river miss!" a friendly fisherman called out as I was walking on the edge of the path close to the river, balancing with my arms out wide. "I will" I called back and then turned down another street. I missed feeling free.

As I was walking down a busy street, I spotted Acnologia in a black suit ahead of me. He stood in the middle of my path, staring directly at me. I stopped in my tracks and remembered Natsu's words. "If you ever meet or see Acnologia, I want you to run straight to me, understand?" his words repeated in my head, remembering the serious look on his face. Fear built up inside me and I took a step back. People continued to pass between us, unknowing of how dangerous this man is.

A sinister smirk grew on his face and my fear rose. The memory of the photos of the victims Acnologia murdered just to send a message to Natsu popped into my head. 'I need to get to Natsu' I thought before turning on my heel and speed walking down the street, back the way I came. I took a glance over my shoulder and saw him casually walking after me. My heart started to pound my chest with panic.

Once I turned the corner, I sped up into a run. The direction I was heading was a long detour to Dragneel Inc. but I have to get to Natsu one way or another. I took a few turns trying to lose him but he kept up. Luckily for me, the streets were busy so people walking by were slowing him down. After a few minutes of running, I slowed down and glanced behind me. He was nowhere in sight. I was worried about where he ran off to but also hoping I lost him.

As I turned into a less crowded street and walked past a narrow alleyway, I was dragged into the alleyway by Acnologia. Looks like I didn't lose him after all. He wrapped his hand around my neck tightly and roughly pinned me to the wall. My hands flew up and grabbed his wrist as he was choking me. A smirk grew on his face as he watched me trying to get away. "So you're the girlfriend of Igneel's brat" he chuckled. His eyes looked me up and down.

I opened my mouth to scream for help but he quickly covered his other hand over my mouth. As his hand covered my mouth, I felt a small object hit the back of my throat. "Be a good girl and swallow that tablet for me" he said. I shook my head struggling to free myself while trying not to swallow. Who knows what kind of drug he's trying to make me take.

Becoming impatient with me defying him, he used his thumb and finger to pinch my nose. I began to choke and with him blocking both my airways, I was forced to swallow the tablet. Satisfied that I took the tablet, a sinister smile crept on his face and he removed his hand from my mouth and nose. "Good girl" he chuckled as I gasped for air. Once I caught my breath, I dared to ask "w-what did you give me?" He shrugged nonchalantly. "Just a special little drug I've developed" he replied and then I felt a massive wave of total fear hit me as I looked at him. My heart started beating rapidly, my breathing became shallow short breaths, my mouth became dry, sweat started forming on my face, and my body trembled uncontrollably. My grip on his wrists tightened as my urgency to escape reached a whole new level.

"Perfect" he commented and then he leaned his mouth close to my ear. "I'm your worst nightmare and when you see Natsu Dragneel, you will immediately imagine me" he whispered a command into my ear and then leaned back. I didn't understand what he was talking about. He let go of my neck and stepped back, releasing me. Without a second thought, I ran out of the alleyway and towards Dragneel Inc. I glanced behind me once and saw him walk leisurely out of the alleyway while looking at me with his hands in his pockets. I saw him smirk before he walked in the opposite direction. I turned back around and continued to run the entire way to Dragneel Inc. During the entire way, people stared at me with confusion as I ran past them.

As soon as I reached Dragneel Inc., I burst into the lobby with a clear panicked expression. I collapsed onto my knees exhausted from all the running. Mira rushed over to me from the reception desk, noticing my distress. "Lucy! What's wrong?" she asked worriedly as she crouched down to my level. "Natsu. I need Natsu. WHERE'S NATSU?!" I screamed as I gripped my hair. Mira rushed back to the reception desk and calls for Natsu. "Natsu, you need to come down right now. Something's wrong with Lucy" I heard her say urgently over the phone.

A few minutes later, the elevator dinged and someone walked out. Fear washed over me again as I saw it was Acnologia who walked out of the elevator. "No. How? Why is he here?" I mumbled as I crawled backwards a couple of steps. He looked over to me with a confused yet worried expression and then Mira rushed over to him. "No! Stay away from him Mira!" I shouted and she looked at me confused. Acnologia quietly said something to Mira that I couldn't hear and then she quietly replied something back.

Acnologia turned his attention back on me and slowly walked over to me. I crawled further backwards trying to get away from him but then I hit a glass wall. "Please. S-Stay away from me" I begged while crying. "Lucy, it's me. Look" he said and grasped my shoulders. I screamed and thrashed around trying to get out of his grip. He begged me to stop struggling but I refused. Mira rushed over and handed a piece of cloth. "Use this" she said and he thanked her.

"NO! LET GO OF ME!" I screamed and then he covered my mouth and nose with the piece of cloth. "Sorry Lucy" he said quietly. A strong scent hit my nose and I immediately felt sleepy. I tried to keep myself awake but my body felt heavier and heavier. "Natsu" I mumbled before I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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