Chapter 20 - Aquarium Unveiling

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It's been a few days since Laxus and I have made up. Since then, true to his word, he has been restraining himself every time a guy touches me which Natsu has been enjoying. He purposely wraps an arm over my shoulders whenever we see each other and his eyes flick to see Laxus' reaction. Laxus grits his teeth and scowls a bit with clenched fists but doesn't attack him.

I was walking to Levy's office, where I've been spending most of my time, when a familiar muscular arm wrapped itself around my shoulders. "Hey Lucy!" Natsu cheered with a bright smile. "Hey Natsu. Are you ready to go to the press conference?" I asked. Today's the day for the unveiling of Magnolia's new Aquarium and he had agreed to be my bodyguard for the event. "Yep, I'm ready to go when you are" he replied cheerfully.

"Wait, what press conference? You didn't tell me you were going to one today Ash-for-brains" Gray said displeased, who was tagging along with Natsu. As Natsu's second-hand man, it's understandable for Gray to keep tabs on the mafia boss' whereabouts. Natsu childishly looked away, "I forgot to tell you" he obviously lied.

Suddenly, he fake-checked his watch and then grasped my hand. "Oh look at the time! We better get going Lucy. We wouldn't want to be late" he said as he dragged me down the hall, towards the elevators. "Slow down Natsu" I complained but he ignored me. "I'll leave the rest of my paperwork to you Ice Stripper and I expect it to be done by the time I return" he called out behind him to Gray just before dragging me into the elevator with him. "Oi!" Gray complained but before he could argue the elevator doors shut.

As soon as the door closed, Natsu laughed while holding his stomach. "Did you see his face? It was hilarious" he laughed. "It was" I giggled. I expect Gray to get him back for this when we return.

When the doors opened to the underground parking lot, Natsu pulled me passed a row of parked cars until we reached his red Lamborghini. I blushed as red as his car, realising that we've been holding hands this whole time. He unlocked the car with a press of a button and then slipped into the driver's seat while I sat on the passenger side. With a turn of a key, the car roared to life and then he pulled out onto the street.

There was silence inside the car until Natsu decided to break it. "When we get there, I want you to never leave my side. Do you understand? Don't run off on your own where I can't protect you" he ordered, without taking his eyes off the road. Even though he ordered like I was a child, I knew he meant well. "I understand" I replied and then looked out the window.

As we drove by, something caught my eye. A man with spiky white hair and glasses was standing in an alleyway. He wore a dark suit with a blue tie. His dark eyes seemed to be staring into mine even though we were driving by and the car doors were tinted. Just before I lost sight of the strange man, he smirked. 'Who was that?' I wondered. "Is something wrong?" Natsu asked and I turned to look at him. "It's nothing" I replied and decided to forget that mysterious man.

Soon we arrived at the Aquarium unveiling and walked up to the entrance, after parking the car, where security were standing guard. I pulled my 'Press Pass' out of my purse and held it up to show the two security guards. "I'm Lucy Heartfilia from Sorcerer Weekly" I told them and then they looked at Natsu, behind me. "He's with me. He's my assistant" I told them and they nodded before letting us through. "That's interesting. Do you get secret access as a writer?" Natsu asked. "Well yeah, it gives me special access to events like this. I can even get backstage for popular concerts when celebrities are performing but only if the event manager allows it" I replied. "Very interesting" he said with a sly grin. I don't know what he's thinking but I've got a job to do right now.

We joined the crowd that was gathered in front of the large stage. Cameras were set up in between people in the crowd, all facing the stage. I pulled out my recorder and pressed record as the announcer walked onto the stage. He addressed the crowd first and then began a speech about the idea and construction of the new Aquarium. Natsu yawned a few times which I had to jab his side with my elbow to get him to stop. "Now, I would like to personally ask our newly appointed Mayor to cut the ceremonial ribbon" the announcer said and then the new Mayor of Magnolia joined him on stage. He held the royal ceremonial scissors in his hand.

My eyes widened as I recognised him. He was the same man I saw in the alleyway while we were driving here. "It is an honour to be here today to unveil this beautiful piece of architecture. I'm sure it will stand for many years to come. Now without further ado, I declare this Aquarium..." he said as he placed the open scissors near the red ribbon. "Open!" he added cheerfully as he cut the ribbon. Everyone clapped their hands and that was the end of the unveiling, so I stopped my recorder before putting it back in my purse. I took a glance at the stage and saw the Mayor staring at me with a smirk on his face, like he was earlier in the alleyway, before walking off the stage. 'Why was he looking at me like that?' I wondered.

"Lucy?" Natsu's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "You ok? You spaced out for a second" he asked. 'It could've been my imagination and besides he could've been looking at somebody else' I thought. "It's nothing. I was just thinking of an article title" I lied. "Oh, really?" he replied and then took a glance at the Mayor with a serious expression and narrowed eyes slightly before turning back to me. 'Did he see through my lie?' I wondered. "How about we stop by a seafood place on the way back to the company? Looking at all these fish is making me hungry" he said and I laughed. "Of course you're thinking about your stomach" I giggled and then said "but sure." He smiled, "then lets go. I'm starving" he exaggerated while rubbing his stomach and then we walked back to his car.

When we reached the Aquarium carpark, Natsu unlocked the car once we were close to it. As he was about to open the passenger side door for me, he suddenly whipped his head like he noticed something. "Lucy, get down!" he shouted as he pushed me down to the floor with him on top of me. A bullet was shot at where we were standing a second ago. Everyone around us ran away as soon as the shot was fired. "Get in the car" Natsu ordered me and I quickly nodded before climbing into the car. I curled up into a ball just before three more shots were fired. I was worried for Natsu's safety until he quickly hopped into the car. He immediately started the engine and drove away as fast as he could.

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