Chapter 19 - I'm Sorry

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The next morning, I found myself waking up in Natsu's bed. 'How did I get here?' I wondered as I blinked the sleep away. Last I remembered, I was watching a movie with Natsu. I sat up and heard a loud snore beside me. "Don't tell me" I muttered and turned to find the pink-haired mafia boss sleeping next to me on the bed.

He was sleeping on his back with his arms and legs spread out and snoring like a dragon. The hem of his pyjama shirt was pushed up a bit, showing his hard abs. I couldn't help but blushed as I looked at them. 'How much exercise does he do to get those?' I wondered as I stared at them and then inwardly slapped my mind. 'Stop staring Lucy' I inwardly scolded.

My guess was after I fell asleep, he carried me to his bed and probably was too tired to walk back to the lounge but had time to change into some pyjamas. I doubt he tried anything appropriate while I was asleep. Since he helped me yesterday, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and not Lucy Kick him out of the bed this morning. As thanks for listening to me yesterday, I decided to make breakfast for him.

I pushed the covers off my legs and walked over to the kitchen. I looked inside the fridge to see what ingredients I could use. 'I think I'll make bacon and eggs today' I thought before grabbing the carton of eggs, strips of bacon and a bottle of orange juice. Natsu won't mind me using his kitchen especially if I make him a really tasty breakfast.

As I was frying the bacon and eggs, I heard sniffing. "Is that bacon I smell?" Natsu asked as he wandered into the kitchen. "Yep. There's orange juice on the counter if you want some" I replied. "Thanks" he said and then poured himself a glass while sitting down at the island.

"Do you have anything planned for today?" I asked as I finished cooking and started plating the food. "Mainly filling out paperwork except for a business meeting this afternoon with the CEO of one of the companies I've invested in" he replied while resting his head on the counter, exhausted just thinking about the day ahead. "What company?" I asked curiously while putting his plate in front of him. "The fashion company called Heart Kreuz" he replied. "Heart Kreuz?!" I exclaimed. "You know of it?" he asked as he lifted his head to look at me with a surprised expression.

"Know of it? Heart Kreuz is the most popular clothing brand in Fiore for young females plus it's my favourite clothing brand! Almost my whole wardrobe is filled with their clothes" I replied excitedly. "Ah that explains your reaction. Did you know Erza loves Heart Kreuz too?" he asked before taking a bite of bacon. "She does? I'll have to talk to her about it sometime" I replied as I put my plate besides Natsu's and walked around the island to sit next to him. "Hm" he replied as he chewed another piece of bacon.

Later as Natsu was eating thirds, I quickly got changed and came back. Suddenly someone kicked open the front door. Natsu looked at the door with a blank expression and the fork in his mouth. "What the hell is taking you so long?! I have been waiting for you downstairs for ages! You're the one who texted me to drive you to work!" Gray shouted as he stormed into the room.

He turned his head and noticed me. "Oh hey Lucy" he greeted, a little surprised and then he turned back to Natsu. "So that's why you wanted me to drive you instead of driving yourself" he said and then turned to me again. "Is Laxus out on a mission again?" he asked. "No, me and Laxus had a fight and I needed some space, so I stayed here" I replied and then he nodded in understanding.

He then walked over to Natsu and stole a strip of bacon from his plate before eating it. "Hey! That's my bacon!" Natsu complained as he glared at him. "Don't care. Hurry up and don't keep me waiting" Gray retorted and then walked out of the open front door. "Tsk, that Ice Stripper" Natsu grumbled and then quickly shoved the rest of his food into his mouth. "Give me a minute to get changed" he said to me. "Ok" I replied as he speed-walked to his bedroom.

When we walked out of the lobby doors, we spotted Gray leaning against the black car from the other day with his arms crossed while being in only his boxers. "Don't try to act cool when you're half naked like that" Natsu sighed and Gray looked down. "Crap!" he exclaimed as he flailed his arms.

While Gray was looking for his discarded clothes, Natsu opened the car door for me. "Lets go Lucy" he said with a smile, ignoring Gray's frantic search. "Thanks Natsu" I replied before climbing into the back seat. He closed the door and then climbed into the other side. About a minute later, Gray climbed in fully dressed. He pulled the car out of the driveway and onto the open road.

When we arrived at Dragneel inc., Gray dropped us off at the entrance and then drove around into the underground carpark. As we walked into the lobby, I spotted Laxus standing by the front desk. He spotted me and immediately walked over to us. "Morning Lucy" he greeted nervously. "Morning Laxus" I greeted back just as nervous as he was. A silence descended between the two of us. When it comes to admitting we were wrong, we can both be stubborn. "I need to go to my office see you both later" Natsu said and then leaned close to my ear. "Good luck" he whispered with a knowing grin and then walked over to the gold elevator.

Laxus coughed to break the silence and I noticed he had his hands were both clenched. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" he asked. "Sure" I replied and he led me to his office. We were both quiet the whole way here. 'It's now or never' I thought as he shut the door. "I'm sorry for yelling at you yesterday" I said quickly, and he looked stunned for a moment. "I didn't think about how you felt about the whole situation and realised I was being selfish so I'm sorry" I continued.

He sighed, "no, I'm sorry. You were right, I was being a little too overprotective and have been overreacting. I'll try not to blow up over every little thing in the future" he said and then put his big hand on my head. His hand felt warm. "Can you forgive me?" he asked while looking down at me with a sincere smile. I smiled, "as long as you can forgive me" I replied and he chuckled. "Looks like we're both forgiven then" he said as he removed his hand. "Yep" I replied with a bright smile. "For the record, I'll let you have guy friends but that doesn't mean I will stop protecting you from the beasts called men" he said, and I nodded. "I wouldn't have it any other way" I replied. I was happy we were able to make up.

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