Chapter 52 - Laxus' Death Sentence

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Natsu's POV

'Where are you Lucy?' I thought as I was running around the building looking for her. I had some exciting news for her and I wanted to tell her as soon as I'd gotten off the phone. I searched all the common places she usually hangs out, the library, Levy's office and the other girls' offices but she wasn't there. The next place I was about to look was the cafeteria. Even if Lucy isn't here, I might grab myself a quick bite to eat before I continue my search.

As soon as I reached the cafeteria, I looked around the room for Lucy. I found her sitting with Levy, Erza, Mira and Juvia at one of the centre tables. I quickly weaved between tables until I reached her. "Lucy!... There you are!" I panted as I rested my hands on the table to catch my breath. "Are you alright Natsu? You look like you've run a marathon" Lucy asked worriedly. "I searched...the entire...building for you" I panted.

I saw a glass of water in front of Lucy so I snatch it and downed it in a few gulps. Lucy sighed, "there goes my drink" she muttered. I noticed a small plate of hot chips in front of her and couldn't help but feel hungry from running around the whole building. "Oh yummy, chips" I said as I stole a handful of hot chips from her plate. "And there goes my chips" Lucy complained, leaning her head on her hand, while the other girls giggled at her reaction.

"Why didn't you ring her? You know she's got a phone" Levy asked and I mentally facepalmed. I was so excited about telling Lucy the good news that I forgot that everyone has a mobile phone on them. "I forgot about that" I replied with a nervous chuckle and Levy rolled her eyes. "Anyway, what were you guys talking about before I came?" I asked as I noticed Lucy was a little irritable than usual and I know it wasn't me who caused it.

"Lucy was just telling us about Laxus lecturing her" Erza answered. "Yeah, Laxus was going on and on last night about how if Natsu ever hurts me I should tell him immediately so he can break Natsu," I gulped at Lucy's words. "And he told me he will kill Natsu if he takes my virginity" Lucy continued and then covered her mouth as if she said too much while looking over at me for my reaction. My eyes widened in shock and fear, not at the fact she's a virgin because I'll be proud to be her first, but at the fact that Laxus will kill me afterwards.

Mira began to have a dark aura surround her and an angry expression on her face. "Laxus is getting in the way of Nalu babies?" she growled as she stood up. Oh no, Mira is scary when she gets like this. In my opinion, she's scarier like this than when she changes into her Satan Soul fighting form. Wait a minute, what's Nalu? Anyway, without another word, she stormed off to find Laxus. I wouldn't like to be him right about now.

"Why is Mira so mad?" Lucy asked, looking to all the girls for an answer. "Probably because her boyfriend is ruining her ship" Levy replied. "What?" Lucy questioned as she whipped her head around to look at her. "Didn't Laxus tell you? He and Mira are dating" Juvia replied like it was obvious. "That asshole! So he can date but I can't!" Lucy shouted before storming off to find Laxus so she can join Mira in punishing him. "I kinda feel sorry for Laxus" Levy said without any sympathy in her voice. "But it is his fault" Erza replied and both Levy and Juvia nodded in agreement. Women are scary and I REALLY don't want to be Laxus right now.

"So Natsu, why were you looking for Lucy?" Levy asked me, changing the subject. "I've got some good news for her about her work at Sorcerer Weekly" I replied. "I see. She'll finally be able to return to work now that Raven Tail has been destroyed" Erza said with a smile. "Yep. I bet she'll be excited to go back to work" I replied and then we heard a few loud bangs coming from another part of the building. I guess they've found Laxus.

After a few minutes, Mira and Lucy walked back to us with happy smiles on their faces which sent chills down my spine. I was curious about what they did to Laxus but also afraid to find out. "You needed to talk to me Natsu?" Lucy asked in an oddly cheerful tone. It was freaking me out, what did they do to Laxus? "Ah yeah. Let's go to my office so we can talk about it" I said. "Ok let's go" she replied and followed me out of the cafeteria.

As soon as we reached my office, I quickly shut the door and pulled Lucy into my arms for a kiss. She kissed back and when we pulled apart, she giggled. "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?" she joked which made me smirk. "No, that was just a bonus" I replied and then pulled away from her fully to walk over to my desk. "I made a call to your job at Sorcerer Weekly" I started and I could see the excitement building up within her, realising what I was going to say. "And with Raven Tail no longer after you, you can start going back to work tomorrow morning" I finished and she immediately bear-hugged me. "Really?! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she cheered and then kissed my cheek. "You missed" I said, tapping my lips. She rolled her eyes playfully and then pecked me on the lips. "Better" I chuckled. I love being able to kiss her delicious lips whenever I want.

"Hey Natsu, I have a question" Lucy said, looking into my eyes. "What is it?" I asked and gazed lovingly into her eyes. "You said you loved me ever since you first saw me, right?" she started and I nodded, confirming what she was asking and encouraging her to continue. "Well, something's been bothering me in the back of my mind. How could you have fallen in love with me the first moment you saw me when I was tied up in your van? Last I checked, that's not normally how one falls in love" she asked, referring to the time we first met. It was a reasonable question.

"Simple, because that wasn't the first time I saw you" I replied. She tilted her head slightly, looking up at me with a confused expression. "Let's sit down and I'll explain" I said as I sat down into my desk chair and pulled her into my lap. I could never forget the day I first saw her...

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