Chapter 74 - Show Time with a Monster

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Lucy's POV

Struggling to breathe, Acnologia had his hand grasped tightly around my throat as we stood in the middle of the lounge room surrounded by my dead protection detail. My hands clawed at his hand but his grip was stronger than me. Tears fell down my cheeks as I looked at Gray on the floor, mourning my friends who tried to protect me. Bruises scattered my body from trying to fight Acnologia before he captured me. He threw my whip out of reach and added it to the destruction. His villainous grin towards me sent shivers down my spine. "I think it's almost time" he said and then checked something on his phone with his other hand. He smirked and then showed me the phone. It was a live video of inside the warehouse where Natsu and the others were standing confused.

"Show time" he chuckled before curling his arm bringing my body closer to his until my back touched his chest, without loosening his grip on my throat. He started making a call and loosened his hold so I could breathe before putting the phone up to my ear. "Talk to your boyfriend" he threatened. As soon as I heard Natsu pick up on the other end, I couldn't help but cry. I feared it might be my last time talking to him or hearing his voice. "Natsu! They're all- mhm" I cried before Acnologia cut me off by moving the hand holding my throat to cover my mouth. I tried to pull his hand off my mouth, but it was no use, he was still too strong for me.

"Lucy!" I heard Natsu shout worriedly on the other end as Acnologia moved the phone to his ear. "Hear that Natsu Dragneel? I found your precious little girlfriend. I think I'll have a little bit of fun before killing her. You better find me soon if you don't want to see her pretty body ripped to shreds" he said. My eyes widened at his words. He's going to rip me to shreds. I hope Natsu finds me before that happens. I know Acnologia wouldn't hesitate to follow through on his word.

Acnologia ended the call before Natsu could get a word back. He put the warehouse camera back on his phone and put it in front of us so I could see Natsu's reaction too. Natsu looked furious like if he could, he would burst into flames and burn the whole city down. We watched him crush the phone in his hand and throw it onto the floor, smashing it further. Acnologia laughed hysterically at Natsu's reaction before he turned off his phone and put it in his pocket. He moved his hand off my mouth to grip my upper arm. "Time to go" he said and then roughly pulled me out of the cottage. I continued to fight and scream the whole way to his car. He opened up the boot and shoved me in it before slamming it shut.

I couldn't tell how much time had passed but I was stuck inside that boot a long time while Acnologia drove to who knows where. The entire ride, I kept trying to kick my way out but to no avail. When we finally stopped, Acnologia pulled me out and I saw we were in an underground car park. "Where are we?" I muttered. "Shut up and keep walking. Make one wrong move and I'll..." he paused and squeezed my upper arm tightly. "I-I got it" I replied as I winced in pain. "Good, because I don't want my fun to be finished before Natsu arrives" he chuckled and then dragged me into an elevator.

The elevator took us all the way to the penthouse. "Welcome to the last place you'll ever be" he said as we walked through the front door. I knew he meant this is the place where I was going to die. Not if I had anything to say about it. When I get a chance, I'm going to run. He dragged me towards the dining table and pulled out a chair. With a rough push, he sat me down on it. "Sit" he threatened and then walked away. I'm not choosing to die here. As soon as I saw a chance, I ran at full speed towards the front door. As my hand touched the handle, a hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away from the door. Acnologia punched me in the face and sent me flying backwards onto the floor. He growled, "Natsu has interesting tastes in women" he said and then smirked as he cracked his knuckles. Natsu please save me soon, I don't know how long I'm going to last against this monster.

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