Chapter 14 - Sweet Devils Gun Fight

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Natsu's POV

As soon as Laxus fired the first shot, the strippers screamed and ran towards the closest exit along with a few men who weren't involved with Raven Tail. All of Ivan's men turned around to find my team surrounding them and most turned their gunfire on my team. Laxus' Lightning Dragon Slayer gun shoots electric bullets which are deadlier than any taser. Gajeel's Iron Dragon Slayer gun can transform into multiple weapons. It can transform into an Iron Dragon Sword for example. Then lastly Erza's Requip dagger, it can transform into any weapon and give her armour to match. Some forms have different elemental abilities like her Flame Empress Armour which is resistant to my flames.

During the moment of confusion, I whipped out my Fire Dragon Slayer gun and shot each of Ivan's men, who still had their gun aimed at me, without hesitation. Once all the riffraff were disposed of, I aimed my gun straight at Ivan who sat smugly in his seat. I'm going to burn that smug grin right off his face.

A second later, Flare's Crimson Hair whip wrapped around my arm from the side. I hissed in pain a bit from the extreme heat burning my arm. With my other hand, I grabbed the hair whip and used my upper body strength to pull it around. Flare tried to stand her ground but I managed to throw her sideways into a table nearby and loosened her whip's grip on my arm.

As I turned back to Ivan, he threw a paper shikigami doll towards me as he stood up. In an instant, the paper doll multiplied into the thousands and then split into five streams. I quickly shot multiple rounds of my gun and burned through the shikigami streams as fast as I could before they could reach me.

Since he couldn't touch me with his shikigami streams, he redirected the streams to gather into a big ball above me. The ball started to turn purple and I knew I needed to take cover. "Take cover!" I shouted to my team as I jumped over a wide table a couple of metres behind me and kicked it over facing the shikigami ball. I dropped down behind it and used it as a shield. A couple of seconds later, the shikigami ball exploded.

I quickly checked the room for my team and all of them had taken cover in time. "Lets kill these sons of bitches" I shouted to my team and they all shouted back "aye!" as we jumped back out into the action. I sped across the room before Ivan could pull out another shikigami doll and uppercut him. He stumbled back a few steps holding his chin and then pulled his arm back for a punch. Before he could land a hit to my face, I twisted my upper body to dodge his attack. While I twisted, I punched his stomach and he flew back onto the lounge he sat on earlier.

I pointed my gun at him and stalked towards him. As I stalked towards Ivan, Flare's Crimson Hair whip came flying at me again. Before I could react, someone shot Flare's shoulder and her whip fell to the floor. She shrieked in pain as an electric shock filled her body. I turned to the obvious owner of the shot. "Thanks Laxus" I said and then turned back to Ivan but he had disappeared. I tsked in anger before turning to where Flare collapsed but she was gone too. 'Damn it, they got away' I thought, enraged.

Looking around the room, I saw my team finished dealing with Ivan's men. Knowing the danger has past, I tucked my gun back into my suit jacket. The room stunk of cigarettes, drugs and now blood. "My old man got away huh?" Laxus asked as my team walked over to me. Stepping over the dead bodies that were in their way. "He must've used his illusion magic to get away with Flare" I said while glaring at the spot where Ivan was before he disappeared. "We'll get him next time" Gajeel said and then Erza noticed my burnt arm. "Is your arm ok?" she asked, with a bit of concern.

"Yeah, I'll get Wendy to heal it tomorrow. How many did we kill?" I asked, looking around at all the dead bodies. "Around forty men" Erza stated. This was only one branch of Raven Tail. From my sources, Raven Tail have multiple branches but it is unknown how many exist. "Alright, search through every room in this building and look for anything that could be useful to us. Regroup in ten minutes" I ordered and they nodded before splitting up.

I started my search in the manager's office. The first thing I looked through was the filing cabinets but found nothing about Raven Tail. I moved over to search the desk and then spotted an interesting letter amongst forms and other letters. Attached by a paperclip on the front was a photo of Lucy. In the photo she was walking out of Sorcerer Weekly. 'How long have they been watching her?' I wondered and then flipped the photo up to read the letter.

Raven Tail,

Target has been taken by the Fairy Tail mafia. I will hand over what we've discussed to you as soon as I have secured the target.

Silver Lion

"So, Ivan has hired someone to watch and kidnap Lucy" I muttered to myself as I folded the letter and tucked it into my suit pocket. I remember hearing the name 'Silver Lion' somewhere before but I can't remember where. Maybe Gray can remember for me? I continued to search the desk but didn't find anything else that could be useful.

Once I've completed my search of the manager's office, I regrouped with my team outside next to our parked cars. "Find anything?" I asked them but they all shook their heads. "What about you?" Gajeel asked and I pulled the letter with Lucy's photo out of my suit pocket. "I found this in the manager's office. Raven Tail have been watching Lucy for who knows how long" I said while showing them the letter. Laxus took it out of my hands and read it first.

I watched as his glare deepened as he read the letter. Gajeel quickly snatched the letter before Laxus could crush it. As Gajeel read it, Erza read it over his shoulder. "I've heard that name before. Silver Lion is an assassin and thief. He will kill or kidnap anyone and steal anything for the right price" Erza explains. Now I remembered where I heard the name. I took the letter back from Gajeel. "No matter how much Raven Tail are paying him. He won't be taking Lucy" I said as I folded the letter and put it back into my suit pocket. Laxus nodded with determination. Suddenly we heard some police sirens in the distance and knew we had to get out of here. We rushed into our cars and sped off into the night towards the apartments.

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