❤️ Valentine's Day Special ❤️

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I was so excited. The book sales list was coming out today. Today is Valentine's day. One of the busiest times of the year for publishing firms. Unfortunately, this year was going to be like every other year where I don't have a valentine. My boyfriend Natsu is too dense to understand romance and Valentine's Day. Besides, he left for a business trip and he won't be back until tomorrow but at least I have my work to keep my mind busy.

I was walking back to my office at Sorcerer Weekly with the sales list in my arms when I noticed a red envelope with a red rose on top were sitting on my desk. I walked up to my desk with confusion clearly on my face. Nothing was written on the envelope. 'This couldn't be for me' I thought as I picked it up and opened it. On the front was a red dragon holding a love heart with the words 'Stop DRAGON my heart around and be my Valentine!' underneath it. I found the card to be extremely cute and clever.

I opened the card to see what was written inside. It read:

Dear Lucy,

You light a fire in my heart.

Please meet me at Atlas Flame Grill at 7pm.

Lots of love from,

Your secret admirer

P.S wear something red and bring the rose with you

A smile grew on my face while picking up the rose. There's only one person I know who loves fire dragons and has such messy handwriting. This was a nice surprise, and I couldn't wait to see him.


I arrived at Atlas Flame Grill ten minutes before 7pm. I was wearing a long skin-tight fiery red dress with a sweetheart neckline and a slit up the side. In my hand, I had a glittery red clutch to match my dress and the rose I was told to bring. For once I put makeup on, I had red lipstick and gold eyeshadow. Not to toot my own horn but I looked goooood.

As I neared the entrance, I couldn't spot my pink haired valentine anywhere. "Ms Heartfilia, let me bring you to your table" the Maitre d' offered and I decided to follow him. Maybe I can wait for him at the table. We walked through the restaurant and then I saw the man I was looking for sitting at a table for two in the VIP section.

As soon as our eyes met, he stood up from his seat and smiled. He was wearing a black tux with a red tie and a red rose matching mine sticking out from his tux jacket breast pocket. I smiled as soon as I saw him. He walked over to behind my seat and pulled out my chair for me. He pushed it in as I sat down before sitting in his own seat across from me. The Maitre d' handed both of us a menu. "Mr Dragneel, Ms Heartfilia, if there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to ask either myself or any of the waiters" he said with a smile. "Thank you" we replied and then he walked back to the front of house.

"This was a nice surprise. I thought you were on a business trip?" I asked as I looked up from the menu. "I was but I finished early so I could surprise my girlfriend on Valentine's Day" he winked with a smile before looking down at the menu. "That was incredibly sweet" I replied. "Does that mean I might get some tonight?" he asked suggestively, raising his eyebrows as he looked up from the menu again. "Don't get ahead of yourself. Let's see how this night turns out. The night has barely begun" I replied, playing along with his flirt. "Looks like I'm going to have to up my game tonight" he chuckled. "I look forward to seeing what you have in store" I replied.

As we were looking through the menu, one of the waiters walked over to our table with a bottle of wine. "The red wine you ordered Mr Dragneel" he said. "Yes thank you" Natsu replied and then let the waiter pour our drinks. After filling our glasses, the waiter left the bottle with us. "Let's toast" Natsu said as he lifted his wine glass. "To what?" I asked as I lifted mine as well. "To our future" he said. "To our future" I repeated and then we clinked our glasses.

"And our thirty-three babies" he mumbled to himself, but I heard him. "Ow" he exclaimed as I subtly kicked his leg from under the table. "You're starting to sound like Juvia" I said before taking a sip of my wine. He chuckled before taking a sip out of his own glass. The waiter came back with a notepad and pen. "Are you ready to order?" he asked, and we gave him our order.


After our lovely dinner, Natsu paid the check and then we headed to his red sports car since I took a taxi. He opened my door for me. "How gentlemanly of you" I lightly joked as I sat down. He chuckled before he closed the door. He then walked around the car and jumped into the driver's seat.

"Where to now Mr Dragneel?" I asked as he drove out of the car park. He smiled while focusing on the road. "I was thinking of a movie at my place with strawberry ice cream and chocolates" he replied. That sounds like a great idea. "Now you're speaking my language" I cheerfully said.


The first thing I noticed as Natsu opened the door to his apartment was a trail of rose petals leading towards the bedroom. "Not very subtle" I commented as I walked inside. "Guilty" he chuckled as he came inside after me. I noticed a certain blue cat hasn't come out to greet us like usual. "Where's Happy?" I asked as I placed my clutch on the kitchen island. "Wendy's babysitting him. He's in love with her white cat Carla" he replied. He walked over to the lounge room coffee table and grabbed the remote. "So, what movie should we start with?" he asked but I had another plan. Since he's been so sweet and good tonight, I'm going to give him what he wants.

I walked towards him swinging my hips seductively. His eyes stared at my hips as I swung them from left to right. "Actually, I've got a better plan" I said as I grasped his tie. He gulped and then I started pulling him by his tie towards the bedroom. We can watch a movie with chocolates and strawberry ice cream later.

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