Chapter 16 - Delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies

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Natsu's POV

As I was coughing my lungs out and grasping my sore neck, Laxus dragged Lucy out of my penthouse. Laxus is as scary as Erza when he goes into 'Overprotective Big Brother' mode. I was about to regain my breath until Gray slapped my back making me cough two more times. "Still alive Flame Brain?" he laughed and I glared at him. As usual, he had unconsciously stripped down to his boxers because of his strange habit. "You wouldn't be laughing if you had to deal with 'Big Brother' Laxus" I said while crossing my arms and he chuckled.

"Looks like you will have to find a way to get in 'Big Brother' Laxus' good graces" he said with a knowing smirk. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "I know you won't admit it, especially to me, but you love Lucy, don't you?" he asked. Damn it, am I that obvious? "I don't know what you're talking about" I replied, denying it as I walked over to my kitchen and then opened the far-right overhead cabinet where I keep my liquor. I grabbed a bottle of whisky and two glasses from the counter. "Don't play dumb. I can see it in the way you treat her" he said with a sly smirk as he walked over to stand on the opposite side of the kitchen island while I poured both glasses.

'Looks like I can't hide it from Gray' I thought as I took a quick swig of my glass and slide his over the counter. "Ok whatever. So what if I do?" I admitted as I put my drink on the counter. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. I almost thought you were going to die alone" he joked and I smirked. "I think you're talking about yourself" I joked back and we both chuckled. Gray took a swig of his drink in one gulp and then placed his glass on the counter. "Anyway, I better head back to my place. See ya in the morning Flame Brain" he said with a wave as he walked toward my door. "Yeah, see ya Ice Stripper. By the way, put some clothes on" I replied and took the last sip of my drink. "Crap!" he exclaimed and quickly put his discarded clothes back on before exiting my penthouse.

The whole penthouse descended into silent. Even though Lucy was only here for a single night, she made the place a little bit livelier. That reminds me, where did Happy run off? "Happy, where are you?" I called out and then heard a meow call back. My blue cat crawled out from under the coffee table and ran to my feet. "There you are Happy. Sorry Laxus scared you earlier" I said as I bent down and scratched behind his ear. He purred and I took that as apology accepted.

Out of nowhere, a yawn escaped my lips. "Time for bed" I said while stretching my arms over my head. "Goodnight Happy" I said as I gave him one last pet and then walked into my room. I stripped down into my boxers and collapsed onto the bed. I was so exhausted. Who knew a full work day, a gun fight and trying not to be killed by Laxus could take so much out of me? As I was about to fall asleep, Lucy's scent filled my nostrils from the bedsheets beside me where she slept. Her scent helped lull me into a deep sleep.

The next morning, I was woken up from my slumber by Happy clawing my head. "Ouch! Happy!" I exclaimed and sat up holding the place where he scratched. He meowed and then jumped onto my bedside table where my digital clock sat. I looked at the time and noticed it was eleven o'clock. "Shit I overslept" I exclaimed and then threw the covers off my legs. I rushed into my walk-in wardrobe and quickly dressed myself in a dark grey suit with a fiery red tie. After brushing my teeth, I ran out of my bedroom and quickly poured a can of tuna into Happy's bowl before running to the front door. "See you later Happy" I said before shutting the door.

Once I reached Dragneel Inc., I took the elevator up to my office. As the elevator doors opened, I spotted Gray chilling on one of my lounges with his feet up on my coffee table and his phone in his hand. "Have a good sleep?" he joked. I rolled my eyes and then looked over at my desk. It was littered with piles and piles of paperwork. I groaned, "I was trying to avoid this" I said and then muttered "looks like I'm staying up late tonight." "Actually, that's why I'm here" Gray said. "Huh?" I asked since he never helps me with paperwork. Usually it's Erza who helps occasionally when I'm busy with mafia business. "Someone asked me to help you" he replied.

Suddenly Gray's phone dinged and he looked down at it to check the message. He chuckled and said "speak of the devil" as he texted back. I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow. "Who are you texting?" I asked. Did Ice Princess finally get a girlfriend? "Lucy" he replied without looking up from his phone. "What?! When did you get her number?!" I exclaimed. "Last night" he replied with a smirk and then I stomped over to him. "Give me your phone" I demanded with my hand out. "So you could delete it from my phone? Fat chance" he replied as he stood up and put his phone into his pocket. "Just give me the phone!" I demanded again and his smirk grew. I was tempted to tackle him for the phone right then and there. "If you really want her number so badly then why don't you ask her yourself?" he said and then the elevator dinged. "Right on time" he said and I was confused as I turned towards the elevator.

Walking out of the elevator was Lucy who had a wrapped bag of chocolate chip cookies in her hand that was tied with a red bow on top. 'Don't tell me those are for Ice Stripper?' I thought as I felt hurt. "Am I interrupting something?" Lucy asked, innocently. "No you're not" I replied and coughed once to calm my uneasiness. "I just remembered, I forgot to grab something from downstairs. I'll be back in about ten minutes" Gray said suspiciously and then walked into the elevator.

As soon as the elevator doors closed, Lucy walked up to me and held out the bag of cookies in front of me. "I-um wanted to say thank you for letting me stay at your place while Laxus was away. Plus, to apologise about Laxus' behaviour last night. I made them myself this morning" she said shyly with a blush on her cheeks and a small smile on her face. I took her wrapped homemade cookies in my hand and felt my heart swoon.

"Haha, don't worry about it. I wouldn't be a mafia boss if I couldn't handle a little beating from big bad Laxus" I joked and she giggled. "If it makes you feel any better. I gave him a good scolding when we got back to the apartment" she replied and I chuckled. I could imagine what that conversation would be like. "Well, I better head back down. I promised to help Levy with a few things" she said. She turned to walked towards the elevator but I stopped her by grasping her wrist. "Before you go, can we exchange numbers? So, you know, we can text each other?" I asked, nervously. I hoped I wasn't being too forward with asking. "Sure" she smiled and took out her phone. I took mine out of my pocket and handed it to her while she handed me hers. We typed our numbers into each other's phones and then handed them back.

"There, done. Now we can text each other whenever we want" I said as I put my phone back into my pocket. "Yep" she replied and then her phone dinged. She looked down at her phone to see who messaged her. "Levy's wondering where I am so I better go now. See you later Natsu" she said with a wave before walking towards the elevator. "See you later Lucy and thanks for the cookies" I said as she walked into the elevator. I saw her smile before the doors close.

Looking down at the homemade cookies in my hand, my heart began to beat hard into my chest. I gently pulled off the red bow and laid it carefully on my desk. Then I picked up one of the cookies and took a bite. It was delicious! Probably the best cookie I've ever had in my life. First her spicy chicken wings and now these delicious chocolate chip cookies. I hope I get more chances to try her cooking.

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