Chapter 66 - From The Shadows

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Lucy's POV

The weather was beautiful today for reading a book outside. I decided to explore the gardens outside and read a book. As I was walking through the garden, with my book hugged against my chest, I admired the flowers planted everywhere around me. There were at least a dozen flowers that I'd never seen before. I was amazed by the arrangement of the garden. It was an array of colours like a beautiful sea of rainbows.

As I walked to the cherry blossom tree in the middle of the garden, I accidentally tripped on a small root. I shut my eyes as I fell forwards but then I felt someone catch me. My eyes opened to look up at the person who saved me from falling and I became shocked. It was Luke, the Silver Lion.

"Shit" Luke cursed quietly to himself before standing me upright and stepping away from me. "Natsu is not going to be happy if he finds out I blew my cover" he said to himself as he scratched the back of his neck. Loke jumped down next to him in his assassin suit from I don't know where. I guess a skill of being an assassin.

"Why are you here?" I asked Luke. Natsu told me before that the Silver Lion is Luke, Loke's twin, and that he was no longer after me but I didn't think I would ever see him again outside his mayor duties. "Well, since I... eventually... helped out with the whole Raven Tail situation, he's allowed me out of my cell but on one condition. To pay for my freedom, I need to be a bodyguard for you with Loke from the shadows" Luke explained. "But, this idiot wasn't supposed to have any contact with you" Loke added, pointing his thumb at his brother. "I was just doing my job. I leapt without thinking when she tripped because she could've gotten hurt" Luke grumbled.

I could clearly see he has changed to our side and the brotherly bond he shares with Loke. I gave him a smile, "thanks for saving me from falling. What about your mayor duties?" I asked. "I can balance between my mayor duties and being an assassin. Although, Loke is keeping an eye on me at work as my assistant until Natsu trusts me enough to not betray Fairy Tail again" he explained. "Anyway, we better go back to our jobs before anyone sees that you made contact with Lucy" Loke said. "Ok and you don't need to worry about getting in trouble. I'll keep my lips sealed" I said, pretending to zip my lips and they both smiled. "See you later Lucy" Loke said and then they both jumped up into the cherry blossom tree. I walked over to underneath the tree with my book in my hand and looked up but I couldn't see them anywhere.

'Being an assassin must be cool. Oh! Maybe I could write a short story about an assassin or a family of assassins' I thought as the idea of a new story came to mind. Although for now, I wanted to continue my plan of reading the book in my hand under the cherry blossom tree. I took a seat at the base of the tree and opened my book to where I'd bookmarked the page.

My mind delved into the story, letting time slip by me. As I was deep within the story, I heard someone call out my name. Breaking from my story trance, I looked up from my book and saw Natsu jogging toward me. "I was looking everywhere for you. Who knew you would be reading out here" he chuckled and then held out his hand. I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet. "Why were you looking for me?" I asked and a smile grew on his face. "I want to take you somewhere. Just the two of us. Meet me here after dinner, okay?" he asked and I nodded. I wondered what he wanted to show me.

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