Chapter 22 - Luke

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Natsu's POV

Loke looked shocked when I asked about his twin brother. I sat on my desk, waiting for his answer. "Luke and I used to be a part of the elite assassin league called the Celestials. My code name was Leo while Luke's was Regulus. After a certain incident, he grew distant towards the Celestials and me. I haven't seen Luke since he disappeared five years ago. Why do you ask?" he asked with a bit of hope in his voice. I know he has been looking for any clues about the whereabouts of his long-lost twin.

"Well your twin brother has recently become the Mayor of Magnolia" I replied, and his eyes widened. "Really? You saw him?" he asked with interest as he took a step forward. "I did, and I think he has some connection to the mystery shooter who I suspect to be the Silver Lion" I replied. "Wait did you say...Silver Lion?" Loke asked, recognising the name with wide eyes. "Yes, do you know something about the Silver Lion?" I asked, interested to know what he remembered.

"When Luke and I were kids, we used to call each other nicknames. I was the Golden Lion and he was the-" "Sliver Lion" I finished, narrowing my eyes. What Loke said confirms it, his twin brother Luke is the Silver Lion. 'So he's the one who's been watching Lucy' I thought while looking away. "So what should we do now Boss?" Erza asked. I stood up and walked over to the window, looking over the skyline. A plan formulated in my head. "We wait" I replied with crossed arms.

"Wait?! The longer we wait, the more danger Lucy is in" Laxus argued. "I agree with Laxus and besides, when were you the type to wait. You usually hate waiting" Gray said. "What are you planning?" Erza asked with a tone that says she knows I have a plan in mind. "I want to lure the Silver Lion to us" I replied and then turned to face them. "How?" Loke asked and then I looked at him with a smirk. "I think it's time for the Silver Lion to be reunited with the Golden Lion" I replied.

After discussing my plan, Erza, Gray and Loke left to put our plan into action. Laxus stayed behind and I sat down on the lounge. "Is something wrong Laxus?" I asked while slinging an arm over the back of the lounge. I noticed his fists were clenched. "Your plan better work and you better protect her" he said. "I will" I replied with a firm nod, so he knew I was serious. Once I said that his fists relaxed. "Good" he said before walking into the elevator.

Now that he was gone, I could finally relax. I looked up at the ceiling, going over the plan in my head. There are no flaws in my plan. I just hope everything runs smoothly. I looked over at the clock on the wall and saw it said five o'clock. Since there was no more paperwork to do and nothing mafia related on today, it was time to head home. I grabbed my things and then descended the elevator. When the elevator stopped at the underground car park level, I stepped out and walked over to my car. With a rev of the engine, I pulled the car out of the car park and drove home, to the apartments.

When I entered my apartment, Happy ran and greeted me at the door by rubbing his body against my leg. "I'm home Happy" I said and then picked him up in my arms. "Did you have a good day today?" I asked him and he meowed back. I took that as a yes. "Come on, let's go get you some fish" I said and then walked over to the kitchen with him. I put him on the island counter and then opened a can of tuna before putting it in front of him in a bowl. He hungrily ate it while I grabbed a cup of instant ramen. I can't be bothered to cook for myself today. 'I miss Lucy's cooking' I sulkily thought as I waited for the boiling water to cook my ramen.

After about two minutes, my ramen was done. I brought it with me to the lounge and turned on the TV with the remote while slurp it up some ramen noodles. "Magnolia's new Aquarium was unveiled today, and the new Mayor of Magnolia was present to cut the ceremonial ribbon, opening the new building" the news lady reported. I continued to watch the news for a follow up story on the shooting, but none came.

'Good, Levy erased all media traces of the shooting' I thought as I slurped up the last strands of ramen noodles. I watched the news reports for a little while longer before heading for a shower. After a nice hot shower, I brushed my teeth and changed into some fiery red boxers before flopping onto my bed. I didn't feel tired yet so I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and decided to call Lucy to see if she would like to go out for coffee with me after training tomorrow. She's rarely been outside Dragneel Inc. and the apartments since she knew about our mafia and the target on her back from the Raven Tail mafia.

After a few rings, she picked up. "Hello?" her voice rang through the phone. Her voice made me smile. "Hey Lucy" I greeted, "oh, hey Natsu. What's up?" she asked. I was about to speak when I heard another voice spoke on the phone. "Who are you talking to Lucy?" I heard Laxus ask in the background. "It's just a work friend" Lucy replied to him. "Ok, don't stay up too long talking to them" Laxus said and sounded like he was walking away. "I'm not a kid you know!" Lucy shouted back at him.

"Sorry about that" Lucy said to me. "Just a work friend huh?" I teased. I knew our relationship is a bit more than 'just a work friend'. "Well, I didn't lie, did I?" she said with a cocky tone and I chuckled. "No, you didn't" I replied with a smile. "So anyway, did you have a reason for calling me?" she asked. "Yeah I did. I just wanted to ask if you would like to go out with me tomorrow after our training session for a cup of coffee? I know it can be a bit overwhelming having your movements restricted" I asked.

"Argh did you have to remind me about the training" she playfully complained, and I chuckled. "But I'd like that. To be honest, I needed a chance to forget my worries about being targeted by my father's mafia and all but are you sure it's ok? I mean, I don't want another public shooting to happen because of me" she replied. I was glad that she accepted but I did understand her concern. She doesn't want to have innocent blood spilt on her hands.

"Don't worry I'll make sure something like that won't happen again. So will you still come?" I asked. "If you're sure then yes I will because I trust you" she replied and my heart skipped a beat. It made me extremely happy that she trusts me. "Natsu?" her voice rang through the phone and I realised I went silent. "Ah yeah, sorry. I was just thinking. How about we have our training session at eight o'clock and then walk down the street to a good coffee shop I know?" I suggested. "Sounds good to me" she replied. "Great, meet me in the lobby and then I'll take you to the mafia's training room. Oh, and make sure to bring some exercise clothes" I said. "Ok I will" she replied.

"Anyway, I better go. You should get some sleep, you've got a big day tomorrow" I said. "You're right, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Natsu" she replied. "Goodnight Lucy" I said before hanging up. As I put my phone onto my bedside table, Happy jumped onto my bed and curled up beside me. "Goodnight Happy" I said before falling asleep. Looking forward to Lucy's first training session with me and our little coffee date.

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