Chapter 35 - Letters In Blood

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Natsu burped loudly as he patted his stomach. "Thanks for the food Lucy!" he said happily with a big smile on his face which I couldn't help but blush. Now that I've realised my feelings, it's going to be hard not to blush around him when he does cute things like that. "Are you ok Lucy? Your face is a little red. Did you get a fever?" Natsu asked, densely. "A-Ah yeah, it's just a little hot in here" I replied before looking away from his cute face. Laxus raised an eyebrow at me as he sipped his coffee, suspicious about my behaviour.

Natsu's eyes widened slightly like he realised that I was blushing, and then he started to blush. He mumbled something I couldn't hear but then Laxus whipped his head towards him. He abruptly stood up and grabbed Natsu's tie. "What did you say?!" he shouted as pulled Natsu out of his seat by his tie. "Nothing!" Natsu replied in fright. "Laxus!" I shouted as I stood up and slammed my hands on the table. Laxus glared at Natsu for a few more seconds before putting him down.

"Lucy, get changed. We're leaving in ten minutes" Laxus said and I looked at the time. We needed to leave soon to get to Dragneel Inc. on time. "Ok" I replied and then walked towards my bedroom. Laxus followed after me towards his bedroom to change out of his pyjamas. Just before I entered my bedroom, I noticed he stopped as he reached the hallway. He looked over his shoulder to quickly glare at Natsu before continued to his bedroom. I rolled my eyes at my overprotective big brother before closing my bedroom door.

I changed into a white and blue tube top with gold outline, blue collared vest with gold outlines, blue detached sleeves, black short pencil skirt with slits on each side and a white belt, black thigh-high socks, and tall brown boots, and then tied my hair up into two cute pigtails. After a quick spin in the mirror, I thought I looked cute and then exited my bedroom.

As I opened the door, I found Laxus waiting outside, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He looked at me up and down with disapproval. "You're showing too much skin. Change" he demanded. I glared at him and crossed my arms. "I'm not changing. This is one of my favourite outfits" I replied, defiantly and then walked away into the living room before he could argue any further. "Ready to go Natsu?" I asked and then he looked up from his phone. "Yep" he said with a smile and then stood up.

The three of us left Laxus' and my apartment and then took the elevator down to the car park. We walked up to Laxus' mustang and I hopped into the passenger side. As Natsu's hand touched the back car door handle, Laxus slapped the top of his car with a loud bang as he stood in front of the driver's side door. "Drive yourself" he said with a glare and then hopped in before driving off, leaving Natsu behind. "You didn't have to be rude" I said as rested my head on my hand and looked out the window. He ignored me and kept focusing on the road.

Soon we arrived at Dragneel Inc. and Natsu drove into the parking spot next to ours a minute later in his red Ferrari. He climbed out of his car and smirked at us. I smiled while Laxus tsked and then started dragging me by my arm towards the elevator. Natsu followed inside after us before Laxus could close the doors on him.

The three of us took the elevator up to the Lobby. As soon as I stepped out of the elevator, I was jumped by Levy, who tackled me in a hug. "Lucy! I'm so glad you're ok!" she cried and then she looked up at me with determination. "We need to talk about those photos you sent me" she said, referring to photos I took and emailed her from when I was at the café with Yukino.

I nodded in agreement and then she looked up at Natsu. "You need to hear this too Boss" she said, using Natsu's title which he took the situation seriously. "Let's head up to my office" he said as he pressed the button for the top floor. He was in full Mafia Boss mode. Levy and I stepped into the elevator while Laxus stepped out. "I've got work to do. I'll find you after work Lucy" he said with a wave before the doors shut. Guess Laxus only trusts Natsu when he's in business mode.

As soon as the elevator doors open, Levy speed-walked to Natsu's computer and began typing excessively. "What's this about Levy?" Natsu asked with his right hand in his pocket as we stepped out of the elevator, but Levy didn't reply. A few seconds later, the photos I sent were shown on the flat screen TV. "What do you see when you look at these photos Natsu?" Levy asked and Natsu looked at the screen intensely.

"All the victims were stabbed to death multiple times by the same weapon?" he replied. I was impressed that he could notice that much from one glance. "That's right but that's not all. Lucy, you know what I'm talking about, right?" Levy said and I nodded. "Doesn't each bloodstain look like a letter?" I stated while pointing to the screen. Natsu looked at the photos again with narrowed eyes. "They do" he said in amazement and then Levy began typing again. "It's an anagram. If I rearrange and rotate the five photos in the right way, then we get...this" she explained as she typed the last key.

The photos rearranged and some rotated themselves on the screen until the bloodstains spelt out a name. Natsu's eyes widened, "this is a warning for me" he stated as he saw N.A.T.S.U spelt out in blood on the screen.

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