Chapter 37 - Dinner Date

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Natsu's POV

It was five o'clock and I was in the middle of a small private mafia meeting in my office. The only people I allowed to be involved were Loke, Gray, Erza and Gajeel. "Will you be ok to do this Loke? You were pretty beaten up by Sabertooth" Gray asked. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Wendy healed me really well" Loke replied while adjusting his sleeves. He was wearing Luke's white ninja suit and dyed his hair white to look identical to his twin. It would be nearly impossible to tell them apart.

"Do you understand the plan?" I asked. Everything in this plan has to be perfect if we want to get the upper hand on Raven Tail and the fewer who know of the plan the better. "Go into Raven Tail undercover and figure out their plan" Loke recited. I took a quick glance at my watch and noticed I need to get going so I wouldn't be late for my date with Lucy. "Good. If it starts to look too dangerous to continue or your cover is blown, pull out and report back to me. Good luck" I ordered as I grabbed my suit jacket off my desk chair and speed-walked towards the elevator.

"Where are you in a rush to?" Gray asked, suspicious of my actions. Erza smiled, "I heard he has a date with Lucy tonight" she said. Damn, I was trying to hide it from the men. Gray, Gajeel and Loke smirked at me and I sighed. Here comes the teasing. "So, Salamander's trying to get Bunny Girl" Gajeel whistled. "Is that what you whispered in her ear earlier?" Gray asked. "Oooooooh" Loke said.

"I'm not staying here to take this" I said as I pressed the elevator button and stepped inside. As the doors were closing, the boys started making kissing noises and then laughed just before the doors shut. I leant my back against the back wall of the elevator and then smirked. I'm so going to get them back for this, big time. Juvia, Levy and Aries 'might' get a special dinner invitation from them in their letterboxes soon. As soon as I reached the car park, I rushed over to my car and drove home to get ready for my date.

When I arrived home, I immediately went to go have a shower. I only have one hour before Lucy arrives and there's so much I need to do. As soon as I got out of the shower, I got dressed into one of my best suits. I wore a white dress shirt with the top button undone, a black satin suit jacket over the top with a red handkerchief peeking out of the left chest pocket, black satin suit pants and black leather shoes. After fixing my spiky hair in the mirror for the hundredth time, I ran into the kitchen and started cooking some spaghetti. Happy meowed to gain my attention as he sat at my feet. "Sorry Happy, not now. Lucy's coming over and I want everything to be perfect" as I stirred the sauce. I have something important to tell her.

While the spaghetti was cooking, I put plates, utensils, wine glasses and a single rose in a thin silver vase on the table. Everything was looking perfect until I started to smell the sauce burning. "Oh shit!" I exclaimed as I ran to remove the sauce from the stove. Luckily the sauce was salvageable, and I managed to dish up enough spaghetti for two plates.

Suddenly my doorbell rang, I hid the burnt pot in the sink and quickly wiped my hands on a nearby handtowel before walking over to get it. I paused just before I got to the door and turned to Happy, who was now sitting on top of the couch. "How do I look?" I asked him and he coughed. "Gee thanks" I said sarcastically with an eye roll before turning to open the door. On the other side was the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen. Lucy was dressed in a long fiery red dress with a slit down the side of her left leg, red stiletto heels and had a glittery red clutch with a gold chain strap over her shoulder. Her hair was up in a neat bun and her makeup was light, which showed off her natural beauty. Her red eyeshadow perfectly matched her dress. She looked as radiant as a flame.

'She remembered my favourite colour' I thought with a smile as I stared at her. "Hi, I hope I didn't come overdressed" she greeted shyly. "No you didn't, come in" I greeted as I stepped aside to let her in. "You look beautiful" I complimented as she stepped inside. "Thanks" she blushed. Happy meowed, gaining our attention, before jumping down and running to her. It's been a while since he'd last seen her. He rubbed his body against her leg and purred. "Awe hi Happy. How have you been?" Lucy cooed as she crouched down and scratched under his chin. 'No one likes a third wheel buddy' I thought as I secretly glared at Happy who secretly poked his tongue out back at me.

"Oo what's that smell?" Lucy asked as she sniffed the spaghetti. "Our delicious dinners. Let me show you to our table" I replied with a slight bow and offered my hand. She gracefully took my hand with a smile and then let me guide her to her seat. When we were beside her seat, I let go of her hand and pulled out her chair as any gentleman would. "Thank you Natsu" she said before she sat down and I pushed her seat in.

I calmly walked over to the kitchen and brought over the two dishes I made. "This looks delicious. Did you make these yourself?" she asked as I placed both plates down on the table. "Yes I did" I replied proudly as I sat down in my seat. We began to chat while eating our meal.

"So, does Laxus know about this date?" I asked, a little nervous about his reaction to me asking his dear little sister out on a dinner date. "Oh, he doesn't know. I actually snuck out" she replied. "Oh really? How did you manage to do that?" I asked. "Well..." she started to tell me her story.

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