Chapter 33 - Was Our Friendship Real?

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Where am I? I woke up disoriented and slightly lightheaded. As I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a cold stone floor. After a few minutes, my mind cleared and I looked around at my surroundings. I found myself in a cold dark cell.

"Lucy? Are you awake?" I heard Yukino's hesitant voice call out. I looked up and saw her standing behind the bars. The person who I thought was my friend. I stayed silent as I sat up and looked away. She opened the cell door and walked in, closing it behind her. "We're not going to hurt you" she said as if that was going to make me feel better.

"Was our friendship even real?" I asked coldly. Did she really see me as a friend or was it all a part of their plan to capture me? "Yes! Yes it was real! I became friends with you way before I knew about the reward" she replied, her tone of voice was begging me to believe her.

"Reward? What reward?" I asked and she looked down to the floor. "Raven Tail has a bounty on your capture for fifty million. That's why we kidnapped you" she explained and I was surprised. Father was offering fifty million to capture me? I couldn't believe he put that amount of money just to capture me.

"So...does the mean you're going to take me to my father?" I asked. I should've seen this coming. "Actually, we're not. When I found out it was you who we were looking for, I convinced Sting to not to hand you over to Raven Tail" she replied. What? "So, why am I still here?" I asked. If they're not going to hand me over to my father then why haven't they let me go yet. "Sting still wants the money so he's made a deal with Natsu" she explained. "Why am I not surprised" I said while rolling my eyes. Men and their money.

"It's just mafia business Lucy" a male voice spoke before revealing to be Sting who walked up to the cell. "Yukino's told me a lot about you" he said as he came inside the cell. "I wish we didn't meet in these circumstances though" he added as he grasped Yukino's hand. I put two and two together. "I'm guessing you're the boyfriend she raves on about" I guessed and Yukino blushed. "You rave about me?" Sting asked Yukino, surprised and touched. "All the time" I replied before Yukino could shyly deny it. Despite the situation I'm in, they look cute together.

"Ahem. Anyway, it's time to leave" Sting said and then grabbed my arm. "Where are you taking me?!" I exclaimed as he pulled me to my feet and out of the cell. "We're taking you to the meeting place for the exchange" he replied as he pulled me through different hallways with Yukino following behind us. Oh, so they're taking me to Natsu.

They took me to an underground car park where a white van and a group of people were waiting. There were three men dressed in black suits and one black-haired woman dressed in a long dark peacock coloured dress. I spotted guns peeking out of the mens' suit jackets. "We're leaving. Everyone get in" Sting ordered as he pushed me towards the van. I obediently got in first and then everyone else filed in after me.

The long blond-haired man wearing a crimson mask and a large crimson hat with a fluffy pink feather drove us to Crocus docks. When we got to the docks, it was nearly midnight. It was completely dark except for the occasional warehouse light and the bright full moon hovering above us in the night sky. After parking the van, the three men, woman and Yukino jumped out of the vehicle. Sting jumped out last while pulling me out by my arm.

"Come on" he said while dragging me towards warehouse number seven. As we walked in, the man with black hair turned on a light. We were completely alone. "Fairy Tail should be here any moment" Sting said and then he put his lips close to my ear. "Sorry for the rough treatment earlier" he whispered. He reminded me of Natsu a bit. Natsu has two sides as well. The business side and the fun side. As a mafia boss he can't show weakness so this time I'll forgive him for the rough treatment.

About a minute later, Natsu, Gray, Erza, Gajeel and Laxus walked into the warehouse. I noticed Gray and Gajeel each holding a briefcase. I looked over at Laxus and noticed he was relieved to see me behind his poker face. "Did you get my money?" Sting asked and then Natsu signalled Gray and Gajeel to step forward. They did as they were told and opened both briefcases which were stocked full of cash. From what I saw, it looked more than fifty million in there.

"A hundred million as you requested but did any harm come to her?" Natsu asked coldly. 'A hundred million?!' I inwardly exclaimed. I don't think I'm worth that much. "Not a scratch" Sting replied and then signalled the blond man and black-haired man to take the cases. Both men walked over and took both cases before bringing them over to Sabertooth's side.

Now that the money was on Sabertooth's side, Natsu signalled for Sting to hand me over. Sting smirked before releasing my arm. I hesitated slightly before running towards Natsu. As soon as I reached him, he pulled me to him and wrapped an arm around my waist. I was relieved to be in his arms. "Pleasure doing business with you Natsu" Sting said smugly before walking away with his men and women. Natsu glared at him before pulling me with him towards the exit. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Yukino giving me an apologetic smile.

As soon as we were outside, Laxus pulled me by my hand out of Natsu's grasp. "Hands off my sister" he growled before pulling me into a hug. "Are you ok?" he asked as we hugged. "Yeah, I'm fine" I replied and then he pulled back to give me eye contact. "They didn't hurt you, did they?" he asked while searching my body for any injuries. "No they didn't" I replied honestly with a reassuring smile. "I'm glad you're safe Lucy. You can explain what happened on the drive home" Natsu said in his business tone before getting into the waiting black van.

Gray and Gajeel chuckled. "What's so funny?" I asked. "The way Natsu's acting" Gray replied with a smirk. "He was so worried about you. Almost as much as Laxus was" Erza explained further and Laxus tsked. 'He was?' I wondered with a slight blush. "Shut up and get in!" Natsu shouted from inside and Gray, Gajeel and Erza laughed before hopping inside. I heard some arguing inside and I couldn't help but giggle. "That damn Salamander" Laxus growled quietly to himself. "What did you say Laxus?" I asked as I whipped my head to him, wondering if I misheard him. "Nothing. Get in" he ordered. Looks like someone is in a bad mood. I decided to ignore what he said about Natsu and hopped into the van. Laxus was the last one to hop into the van. I told them what happened before and while I was kidnapped as Gajeel drove us home.

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