chapter twenty three: (part 4) familiarity

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(Kwazii's pov)
I swam around the reef with saber for a while, still no sign of any sharks though "find anything yet Kwazii?" Captain Barnacles asked as he approached, peso swimming quickly to keep up...well quick for him at least, he didn't stop in time and bumped into Barnacles as a result "oof, sorry" he exclaimed, "um..where's saber?" He added whipping his head around in several different directions, "Finnigan" saber shouted alarmed, we turned towards her voice to see her swim over some coral and disappear from sight "come on mateys" I beckoned swimming after her, "who's Finnigan?" The captain asked confused, "that's Finnigan" I explained, pointing my paw at saber and the great white shark she was swimming toward, "saber" Barnacles exclaimed, swimming quickly toward saber, peso and I quickly followed suit

(Saber's pov)
"Fin what happened?" I asked as fin began to circle me, there's something wrong with his dorsal fin "a current knocked me into some rocks" he explained, "can peso and I take a closer look?" I asked worried, "do what you need to do, I trust you" fin replied hopeful, "saber" I heard behind me, I turned to see the three boys swimming up to me "what's going on?" The captain asked, "Finnigan is the shark that helped me find Kwazii and Kateleen" I explained, "saber's me little buddy" fin added, "oh no, you're fin is bruised" peso exclaimed, "I hope you can work while I swim in circles" fin remarked, "of course we can, peso let's do this" I chanted, I swam toward Finnigan and grabbed on to his pectoral fin and made my way onto his back

Peso hesitated but eventually managed to climb on to fin's back, bandaging his dorsal fin at warp speed "mmm, feels better already" fin smiled, "glad we could help" I replied, I helped peso push himself off fin's back before somersaulting off myself "you really should rest at the Octopod" peso explained, "you can swim around the outside of the Octopod matey, no offense but I'm not sure you'd fit through the Octohatch" I remarked happily, "none taken, lead the way little buddy" fin laughed, we swam back to the gup-A, I opted to hold on to fin's back "next stop, the Octopod" I cheered, "you can say that again" fin chuckled, as he began to swim alongside the gup, I can't wait for the crew to meet Finnigan

(End of chapter twenty three: familiarity)

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