chapter one: (part 1) finding saber

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(Author's note: the picture above is a drawing I did of what saber looks like, I know I'm not the best artist in the world so cut me some slack)

(Kwazii's pov)
I was cruising around in the gup-B when I saw something floating on the surface, could this be some kind of treasure? Well I'm about to find out, I pulled the little raft-looking thing close to me ship and I heard a noise come from it "meow" the little voice said, I pulled back the blanket covering the source of the noise and to my surprise it was little black and white kitten with a tuft of bright green fur on the top of its head "who in the seven seas would leave a little kitten like you out here?" I gasped, the kitten just mowed at my question poor things just a baby it's still milk drinking age, I pulled the blanket completely off the kitten and spayed a note, I flipped me eyepatch up to read it

"My ship is being raided by bandits and I'm badly injured I don't think I'm going to make it, to whoever is reading this please take care of this kitten and give her a good life it's all I can ask for, she deserves more than to sink to the bottom of the ocean" the note read

"sh-shiver Me Whiskers" I stuttered shocked, I looked down at the kitten "well I guess you're coming with me little matey, there's no way I'm leaving you out here" I told her, I picked up the little girl and sat her in my lap, she started to purr as she nuzzled my chest "aww, I like you too little matey" I said, this kitten is my responsibility now, "on me honor as an octonaut I promise to protect you and take care of you" I promised the kitten, now I don't know what me crew will say and I don't know who's kitten this was but I know one thing she's with me now and I'm not going to let anything happen to her

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