chapter thirteen: (part 4) A rude introduction

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(Tweaks pov)
After the seal incident we continued walking, we came up on some rocks, the captain looked a little bit sad for some reason, then we could hear two voices that sounded like they were coming from...inside the rock?

(Barnacles's pov)
We walked for a while when we came up on a place I haven't seen in years....the old den, it's where me and my sister lived with our parents until...well you know what happened, looks like a rock has fallen in front of the entrance, all of sudden I could hear talking from behind the rock "I know those voices" I gasped, I felt some sort of primal instinct take over, I started to push on the rock, I've never attempted to move something this big but I have to, it took some doing but eventually I was able to move it, I'm actually surprised at myself...I know I'm strong but I didn't think I was that strong

"A penguin, that'll make for a nice snack" a Male voice said behind me, I suin round and sure enough..those voices belonged to exactly who I thought they did, I jumped in front of peso, knowing I myself would be enough of a distraction "barnacles" said the polar bear with the light blue muzzle and magenta parka, "we were so worried about you, is Bianca alright?" She asked hugging me, "actually Bianca has two cubs of her own now" I responded, "really? Wow it's been way to long son" replied the polar bear with a light grey muzzle and orange jacket, "captain are these.." kwazii started, "indeed" I interrupted, I...I can't believe this is happening

"Everyone, this is Beatrice and parents" I announced saying the last part somewhat quietly while looking at the snow-packed ground, "well I'll be a sea monkeys uncle" kwazii and saber said in unison, "I see where you get your light blue coloring from captain" Shellington said with a smile, I only nodded in response, I'm still not sure how to react, that's when kwazii came up and hugged me "I'm here for ya matey, I know how this feels" he whispered just loud enough for me to hear, I felt more..confident with kwazii by my side, after all what good is a captain without his crew

"Um...why are you wearing a uniform?" My dad questioned, "he's our captain" saber exclaimed proudly, "captain?" Mum said sounding confused, "sounds like I have a lot of explaining to do" I said as I turned to kwazii, "aye" kwazii responded happily waving his tail in an excited manner, "explain what?" Dad asked confused, "well..we're the octonauts, peso penguin is our medic" I started, "dashi dog is our photographer" I said as dashi snapped a picture and then proceeded to give a friendly wave, "tweak bunny is our engineer, Shellington sea otter is one of our marine biologist's, I'm the captain, kwazii cat is my lieutenant" I paused for a moment and looked at saber, I walked over and stood next to her "and this is my niece saber, she's kwazii's daughter" I said proudly, saber smiled and mimicked my stance by placing her paws on her hips and holding her head up confidently, I chuckled lightly and rubbed her head with my paw

"Your niece? But she's not a polar bear" dad questioned, "so, I don't think it makes much of a difference what I am, family isn't always connected by blood" saber responded, "kwazii found saber as a infinit floating on a makeshift raft in the middle of the ocean and brought her back to the octopod, she's been a valuable part of the crew ever since" I explained, "what's an octopod?" Mum asked me, "the octopod is our base of operoation and home" tweak explained, "the current octopod is the only second one to ever be built" saber added, "captain, why don't we show them what the octopod is" kwazii suggested, "I think that is a wonderful idea kwazii" said a female voice behind us, we all turned around to face the hill "Bianca, cubs" I said happily, the cubs jumped on Bianca's back and Bianca slid down the slope to greet us "I knew I heard some familiar voices" Bianca said hugging me, "mum, dad" she gasped, she ran over to hug them both "Orson Ursa, this is your grandmother and grandfather" she explained to the cubs, "are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Saber asked turning to me, "only if you're thinking what I'm thinking" I responded squinting my eyes as I usually do, I'm honestly excited for this, I still can't believe this is actually happening but I'm glad it is

(End of chapter thirteen: A rude introduction)

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