(Kwazii's pov)
*roaring* "what in the seven seas was that kwaz?" Peace asked, "that sounds like captain barnacles, come on matey" I said before I started running, peace was following me when we came into a clearing "shiver me Whiskers and all me other parts too" I said surprised as I flipped me eyepatch up, I couldn't believe what I was seeing(Kateleen's pov)
Me and barnacles had came up on my old nemesis, skinner the fox, skinner tried to run at me but barnacles got in his way and roared at him, I've never seen skinner crumble in fear before but I'm enjoying it especially after he separated me from my family, then a small black and white kitten with a green bit of fur on her head came running up "well I'll be a sea monkeys uncle" she said, another cat was right behind her "Kateleen" said the other cat, it was my little sister ocean who I haven't seen in years "ocean I thought I lost you, are you alright?" I asked as I hugged her, "yeah, thanks to saber" she said turning to the young kitten, so her name is saber "just doing me job as an octonaut" saber said, "shiver me Whiskers and all me other parts too" I heard a familiar voice say, ocean and I both looked up and couldn't believe our eyes "KWAZII PEACE" we yelled in unison, we ran to our brother and sister and hugged them tightly, our family is finally back together except for our grandfather I wish he was here too(Calico Jack's pov)
Meself and Pete were sailing in the Amazon when I heard some very distinct voices "KWAZII PEACE" they yelled, I've got to check this out, I sailed on, only to come across me grandson and his crew and....me four granddaughters, I haven't seen three of them in years, I decided to surprise them(Kwazii's pov)
"KWAZII PEACE" Kateleen and ocean yelled in unison when they heard my voice, they ran up to us and hugged us tightly, I saw saber and the other octonauts looking at the base of a tree, I wonder what they're looking at? So I went to see for myself "skinner" I said in disbelief, I wasn't sure how to react to seeing the fox whose caused me so much trauma over years of me life(Captain Barnacles's pov)
I haven't taken my gaze off this fox the whole time he's been in front of me, kwazii came up beside me "skinner" he said in disbelief, so this is the fox that has given him trouble for so long "why do you hate my family?" Kwazii asked, skinner stayed quiet "answer his question" I growled, skinner jumped at hearing my voice but followed my command "my mum had a bad experience with a cat that looked like that kitten over there" he started pointing to saber, "she hated cats ever since, she told me that cats were dangerous and that you couldn't trust them, then you came along, I didn't know what else to do except what me mum had always done" skinner explained, "what was the cats name that your mom had a bad experience with?" Saber asked shakily, "midnight moon the pirate captain, here I have a picture mum stole from her ship" skinner said handing the picture to saber, saber looks like she's about to cry "that's me" her voice cracked as she said this, have we found out whose Saber's family was?(Kwazii's pov)
I went over and looked at the picture saber was holding, the picture was of her as a baby and another cat who looked just like her "do you think midnight moon was my....mother?" Saber asked looking up at me sadly, I could only nod in response "did your mom raid midnight moon's ship by any chance?" Saber asked turning back to skinner, "yes" the fox replied, "she told me there was a kitten there to that midnight moon was trying to protect" he added, saber looks like she's about to faint "she actually-" skinner started, "don't say it" saber scolded, she doesn't want to know what happened anymore(Ocean pov)
Saber's really upset, I went and hugged her, trying to comfort her as best as I could, "dad..." she said almost silently, kwazii turned to her prepared to respond when he was distracted by something "YEOW" yet another familiar voice said as he jumped down from a tree, "grandpa" me Kate peace and even saber shouted happily, we ran up to him and had one big group hug "I know I asked kwazii the same question but...where have you been for all these years?" Peace asked, "I'v been looking for the lost city, I came across your brother and his crew and we found it together" Calico Jack explained, "I take you three have met your little niece saber here" he added pointing at the black kitten, "our niece?" Kate cat asked confused, "aye, Saber's my daughter" kwazii said walking over and patting saber on the head, "but she looks nothing like us" Kateleen said confused, "I'm adopted" saber mewed sadly, she's thinking about what skinner said again, I can feel it, "family group hug" I said hugging her trying to cheer her up, kwazii peace and granddad joined me but Kateleen didn't(Kwazii's pov)
"I'm adopted" Saber explained sadly, I wish I knew how to make her feel better "family group hug" ocean shouted hugging saber, me peace and granddad joined in, Kateleen didn't, I looked up at her "come on Kate cat Saber's a part of our family now" I told her, she thought for a moment and then finally nodded and joined us in a big family hug, at last the cat family is all back together again, I couldn't be more happy(Saber's pov)
After the group hug, I turned back to skinner "if you ever lay a paw on any of my family or crew ever again I'll make fish food out of you, understand?" I told the fox angrily, "un-under-understood" skinner said sounding afraid of me, "then go on, get" I said, skinner jumped up and ran off "good riddance" I said outloud, I hope to never see that fox again(Peace's pov)
"Saber.." I said walking up behind her, "yeah peace?" She asked turning around, "thank you for saving ocean" I said, "I was just doing my job" she said once more, "nonsense, your a part of the family now and as your aunt I'm very proud of you for saving her and standing up to skinner" I told her affectionately, "thanks..auntie" she said as she hugged me, I hugged her back, I'm so happy to have her as my niece(The captain's pov)
"Kate peace ocean, how would you three like to come back to the octopod?" I asked, I have a plan "really? But what about our brother?" Kateleen asked, "don't worry Kate cat, I live in the octopod" kwazii said with a laugh, "in that case, we'd love to" peace said happily, "I suppose I should get going to" Calico Jack said, "but grandpa..." ocean pleaded, "don't worry little one, kwazii and saber know how to find me, just keep an eye for me wherever ya set sail" he reassured her, "okay, we'll see you when we see you" she responded, we said goodbye to Calico Jack and made our way back to the gups, I have a feeling Kwazii's going to like my idea(End of chapter seven: the cat family)

My Little Treasure
Fanfickwazii finds a kitten adrift at sea with a note that tells how she got in this position and he doesn't know why but he feels a connection to her and takes her back to the octopod (credit to @sammytheskitty33 who gave me permission to use kwazii's p...