chapter nineteen: (part 4) the arctic fox

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(Barnacles's pov)
the rest of the crew Slowly but surely filled the room "for an abandoned research station this place doesn't look very....abandoned" Shellington remarked examining the room, "I know..." I responded slowly whilst trying to think at the same time, but my thoughts were soon interrupted by the station tilting causing everyone to slide to the other side of the room away from the door, saber looked up at the door and then back at me "what's your's plan?" I asked knowing all too well That she was coming up with one, "captain grab on" saber exclaimed waving her tail in my direction, not exactly sure what she's planning but nonetheless I did as I was told, I gave her a thumbs up and she started making her way towards the doorway and managed to grab on to the side of it, I made my way up her tail and grabbed the other side of the door "everyone grab on" I ordered, everyone grabbed onto each other and peso climbed over top of everyone and managed to get close enough to grab my paw, I pulled peso up and saw saber grab dashi after a while we had everyone out

"Is everyone one okay?" I asked doing a mental rolecal to make sure everyone was accounted for, "aye aye captain" everyone except saber replied in unison, "hey captain, what are these tracks from?" Saber questioned, I knelt down next to her and examined the paw prints she was looking at, I recognized the tracks and became even more confused as a result "as if this couldn't get anymore perplexing" I mumbled to myself as I stood up, "what are they from captain?" Peso asked nervously, "an arctic fox" I explained, "that's odd, what's an arctic fox doing in the anarchic?" Saber asked, "I'm not sure but if we follow these paw prints we might be able to find out, octonauts let's do this" I responded, we followed the tracks for a while, they led into a small cave, this is an awfully familiar setting...I wonder if this is who I think it is

Kwazii placed his paw on my right shoulder sensing my unease I'm sure "are you alright barnacles?" Nora asked gently placing her paw on my left arm, I guess Kwazii's not the only one that noticed "barnacles bear what a nice surprise" A familiar voice exclaimed, we all looked up at the cave and saw an arctic fox in a dark green snow suit, wow...I haven't seen him in years but it feels as though it were yesterday, "I don't believe it, Professor natquick" I exclaimed happily, "I don't believe it" natquick started before running up to me and hugging me excitedly, "ether I've surnk or you've grown a lot since I last saw you, where you always this tall?" Natquick remarked energetically, "well you're still as energetic as ever" I laughed in response, "don't I know it" the arctic fox replied laughing, "you two know each other?" Saber questioned, "that's right, I was a polar scout leader back in the day, Barnacles and his sister Bianca were scout's back then" natquick explained, "really?" Kwazii asked surprised, "indeed" I assured him, "and I see you remember everything I taught you, how to identify tracks, how to listen for any creatures in need" he paused before jumping on top of a rock and turning his back to us, he spun back round throwing a snowball at me, I leaned to the side to avoid getting hit only to look back and see saber back flip over kwazii who caught the snowball in his paws as the force of impact sent him into a spin to witch he responded with a laugh, saber looked the least bit impressed

"And how to dodge one of my surprise snowballs" Professor natquick exclaimed cheerfully, his expression changed to curiosity and he waved his paw in front of my left eye in which my vision is only getting worse "still can't see much out of that left eye huh?" He questioned, I shook my head no in reply "that's not surprising, after all that was a pretty nasty cut" natquick explained, "now on a happier note, who's your friends?" He asked looking around at everyone, "this is Shellington dashi tweak peso kwazii Kateleen peace ocean and-kwazii where's saber?" I questioned noticing she wasn't behind him anymore, "eh? Little treasure where'd ya go?" Kwazii yelled his Aussie accent coming on strong, just then a snowball hit natquick in the back and we all turned back to the rock he stood on earlier "YEOW" saber shouted front flipping on top of the rock revealing her hiding place, "so that's where you went sheila" kwazii laughed, he walked up to saber and rubbed her head as her purr faded into a happy meow in response "and I'm Nora" Nora explained offering natquick a paw to shake, "barnacles is my boyfriend" she explained intertwining my arm with hers, "wow, a wolf and a polar bear, who would of thought" natquick exclaimed surprised, "I certainly didn't" I remarked as my face heated up, Nora laughed and kissed my cheek in response to my comment, now I've never been too interested in a relationship before, I've always focused more on my work but something about Nora is just different and I couldn't be more happy

(End of chapter nineteen: the artic fox)

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