chapter five: (part 1) Saber's crab & urchin adventure

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(Saber's pov)
*bang bang bang* "aahgg" I yawned, who could be knocking on the door at this hour? It's the middle of the night, *bang bang bang* I guess I better go see whose there, I pulled on my blue boots and utility belt which looks like the captain's except it's brown instead of blue and got up, I don't know how anyone is sleeping though this banging, well I guess dashi sleeps with headphones on but still, I made my way down to the bottom of the launch bay to see what all the commotion  was about

Once I got to the launch bay, I grabbed a air tank and activated my diving helmet and jumped in the water, I swam down to the door, "mmm" I hummed not seeing anyone outside the door, I shut the door, *bang bang bang*  "huh?" I said confused, I opened the door again "come on, show yourself" I demanded feeling frustrated, "hey dude, I'm down here" a little voice said, I looked down to see a sea snail "oh hello, what can I do ya for matey?" I asked, "look, there's some kinda creature back at the reef, that's like half crab and half urchin that's like super loud and us sea snails can't get any sleep, we need someone big to come to the reef and tell them to be quiet" the sea snail explained, "okay, I'll see what I can do" I said picking up the sea snail, then I felt something touch my tail "yeow" I mewed surprised but attempting to stay quiet, I turned around to see tweak "don't do that" I scolded, "sorry, I saw ya jump in the water, so I decided to see what you where up to" she explained, "well I have a mission, so I might need your help, tweak sound the octo-alert but quietly" I said to the bunny, "Shellington, dashi to the launch bay" I ordered, this is going to be a long night

(Fast forward until they're all in the launch bay)

"Saber, what's going on?" Dashi asked sleepily, "yeah, what did you need?" Shellington yawned, "this sea snail needs our help, there's a disruptive creature at the reef" I explained, "and nobody can sleep because of it" the snail added, "don't worry, I'm going to take care of it, Shellington Dashi tweak I'm gonna need you guys on stand by, in case i need anything" I said and then front flipped into the driver's seat of the Gup-D, "tweak open the octo-hatch" I said feeling like the captain, "right away cap, er uh...saber, sorry" tweak said almost automatically, "it's alright" I said giving her a thumbs up, tweak pulled the switch and I was off

(Fast forward until saber arrives at the reef)

I'm at the reef now to find that strange creature "show me the way" I told the little sea snail whose on my dash, "down by those rocks" he said using his head to point, I started driving in that direction, that's when I seen one of the craziest looking things I've ever seen

"You said go left" the crab snapped, "no I didn't, I said go right" the urchin argued, "shiver me Whiskers" I exclaimed reciting my dad's favorite phrase, "you really weren't kidding when you said it was half crab and half urchin" I remarked to the snail, "I better call Shellington" I added, "Shellington, come in" I said into my radio, "yes capta- I mean saber, what do you need?" He asked, "gee guys I don't think I sound that much like captain barnacles" I remarked, "it's more that you talk like him, the way you talk sounds like the captain and kwazii were mixed together almost" Dashi explained, "I see" I responded, "anyway you called so you must need something" Shellington interrupted, "right yes, Shellington have you ever seen this strange creature?" I asked showing them the creature though the gup-D's camera, "actually saber that's two separate creatures, it's a crab with a urchin stuck to its shell" Shellington explained, "but why are they stuck together like that?" I asked switching the camera back on myself, this may be a bit more complicated than I first initially thought

"Because of symbiosis" Shellington said, "symbi-what?" The sea snail whose still on my dashboard questioned, "symbiosis, it's when two creatures live very close together because they need each other for different reasons, the urchin needs the crab for food and the crab needs the urchin for protection" Shellington explained, "understood Shellington, over and out" I said ending the call, so I sound like barnacles and kwazii mixed together huh? I wonder what they'll say to that

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