(Barnacles's pov)
"You ready?" Kwazii asked as he stood next to the octo-shoot, "bout as ready as I'll ever be" I explained nervously before finishing what little was left of my hot chocolate, "don't worry, I'll be right beside you the whole time" kwazii responded trying to calm my nerves, I walked over to the octo-shoot and took a deep breath "kwazii, let's do this" I said facing the orange cat, "now that's the captain I know and love" kwazii laughed as he front flipped into the octo-shoot, I followed him through, I'm still nervous but not as much as before, as I said earlier kwazii and I are more alike than you'd expect, he's a bit more reckless than I am but all and all we make a pretty good team, as long as we're not arguing or competing with each other, although I guess that's just part of what makes us who we are, I honestly enjoy our friendly competitions but I could do without all the fighting, kwazii's quite stubborn but then again so am I, I guess that's where our friendly rivalry comes from, we're both hardheaded and competitive(In the launch bay)
(Kwazii's pov)
After consoling the captain for a while, I jumped in the octo-shoot and the captain followed suit, I flipped out of the octo-shoot as I normally do but got knocked into the water, I surfaced and spat out water, I looked up and saw the captain giving me an apologetic look and everyone else was just kinda staring, me sisters and daughter were laughing at us "it's not funny" I halfway shouted, "sorry about that kwazii" the captain apologized extending a paw for me to garb on to, "tis alright me hearty" I assured him as I sawm towards the edge of the launch bay, I grabbed the captain's paw and he helped me up out of the water, I know me and barnacles are competitive with each other but we're both good sports about it, I just wish sometimes I could learn to shut me yap and do as I'm told instead of arguing but the captain is pretty tolerant of me, even during the times when I know I'm frustrating him, he still tries his best to work with me, I don't thank him enough for that(Barnacles's pov)
"Are you alright hon?" Mum asked walking up to me, I looked at kwazii nervously not really sure what to say, kwazii leaned in close to my ear "it's alright, you've got this matey" he whispered, I turned back to face my family "I will be, this is just a lot to take in at once" I explained nervously, I normally try to bury my emotions but this is getting to be a bit more than I can handle "that's understandable, we were separated for several years, I can see why this would be overwhelming" dad said as he placed his paw on my shoulder in a understanding manner, I feel somewhat relieved now but at the same time this is still gonna take a lot of getting used to

My Little Treasure
Fanfictionkwazii finds a kitten adrift at sea with a note that tells how she got in this position and he doesn't know why but he feels a connection to her and takes her back to the octopod (credit to @sammytheskitty33 who gave me permission to use kwazii's p...