chapter one: (part 2) finding saber

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(Kwazii's pov)
"Octopod, come in octopod" I said, but got nothing I guess I'm too far out "well" I sighed "I guess we'll just surprise them" I said looking at the kitten, now come to think of it I don't know if this kitten has a name or not "do you have a name little matey?" I asked without thinking, the kitten just shook her head "so I take it that means no?" I questioned, she started to nod her head, so she knows yes and no that's surprising for how young she is

(Fast forward until he gets to the octopod)

I just arrived in the launch bay and I don't see anyone around I sat the kitten down on the floor and went to the control panel and decided to sound the octo-alert "octonauts to the launch bay, I have someone you might wanna meet" I said excited, I felt something pawing at my tail "eh?" I asked looking over my shoulder, it's me little matey playing with me tail I waved me tail around a little bit and laughed as the kitten went after it "I say, your a real go-getter aren't you" I said as I rubbed the top of her head with my paw, I heard someone coming down the octo-shoot, it was captain barnacles "kwazii what's goin-" he stopped mid sentence when he saw me little matey, Shellington came in right behind him "jumping jellyfish" he exclaimed, by this time everyone was there, all of them surprised to see the kitten "kwazii how did you find a kitten in the ocean?" Professor inkling asked, I handed the note to the captain and he read it aloud to the crew "wow, that's sad" dashi said, "flappity flippers" peso said quietly his voice full of worry, "I can see why you brought her back here kwaz" tweak said placing her paw on my back, the captain turned to me "do you know if she has a name?" He asked, to which the kitten shook her head once more "I asked her if she had a name and she just shook her head no" I explained, then I heard a growl "what's wrong?" I said looking at barnacles, "mm, nothing" he replied, I heard the growl again "if nothing's wrong then why do you keep growling like that?" I asked him, "oh, that's not me I believe that's your little friend there" he said with a laugh, "you hungry little matey?" I asked looking down at the kitten, she nodded and then to mine and everyone else's surprise jumped on top of my head, "meow" the little girl purred, it was a satisfied sound she was pleased with what she had done "i guess that means yes" I said laughing, I have a feeling I'm really going to enjoy having a little one around "kwazii" the captain started, "are you sure you're ready for this big of a responsibility?" He asked, "on me honor as a octonaut I promise to protect her and take care of her" I said sternly recreating the pledge I made to the kitten earlier, everyone just looked at me for a moment "alright then" the captain said a bit surprised at my sudden seriousness, "tunip can you go make some formula for the kitten" barnacles ordered, tunip chirped in response, he's trying to stay professional but I know him well enough to tell he's unsure of what to do "captain I'm gonna take good care of her, I promise" I said holding my fist out to the captain "I know you will" he said giving me a fist bump, "meow" the kitten cried hungrily, "alright alright let's go get you some food shall we" I said headed towards the kitchen, I know I just found her but I love this little girl

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