chapter six: (part 3) captain barnacles and the manatees

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(In Professor inkling's liberty)

(Shellington's pov)
Inkling asked everyone into the library "now captain, if you don't mind do tell what happened to you out there" the Professor said looking at the captain, that's a very good question actually, the captain has been gone all day, saying that he was busy doing something else and acting quite strangely, he never did say exactly what it was he was doing and we haven't questioned it until we saw that he was injured, obviously that means he got himself into something, my question is if he was hurt why did he not tell us or at the very least tell peso?

(Captain barnacles's pov)
Inkling asked me to share what happened to me today and how I got injured, "well, I was struck by lightning, eatin by a giant clam, stung by a jellyfish, attacked by bracoodas, escaped on the back of a blue whale, smashed into a shipwreck, freed myself, ran out of air and then found kwazii and peso, all well guiding the manatee rescue and I'm pretty sure the giant clam is the reason my paw got bruised" I explained as the crew gave me some very shocked looks, "aye mateys, when we found the captain he was holding his breath and wouldn't talk to us" kwazii added, "um..captain how long did you hold your breath for?" Saber asked, "about 15 minutes I think" I responded, "jumping jellyfish, captain polar bears can normally hold their breath for 8 minutes, how did you hold your breath that long?" (I don't know if this is true so just pretend) Shellington asked, "well our captain isn't your ordinary run of the mill polar bear" kwazii said with a smile,

"That's right kwazii, another reason why he's our captain" inkling said, I just smiled, "our captain and most importantly our friend" peso said, this is quite the compliment fest,

just then a call came through the radio and I walked over to answered it "barnacles" the girl said happily, "Bianca, good to hear from you" I said equally as happy, "I was wondering if me and the cubs could come for a visit?" Bianca asked, "sure ya can, it'd be nice to see you again, how are Orson and Ursa?" I asked, "good, they can't wait to see what they're uncle does as an octonaut" Bianca laughed, "well we'll be awaiting your arrival" I said cheerfully, "alright, see ya soon" she said as the call ended, "who was that?" Saber asked, "that was Bianca, she's my sister" I explained, "her and her cubs are coming for a visit" I added, "I didn't know you were a uncle captain" peso said, "I'm sure I'm a lot of things peso" I said with a laugh, I can't wait for Bianca and the cubs to get here

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