chapter thirteen: (part 3) A rude introduction

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(Kwazii's pov)
We've been walking for a long time now, it's hard to tell where we're going since it's just snow and ice as far as the eye can see but the captain seems to know every inch of this place *whimpering noise* "what was that?" Saber asked, *whimpering noise* "whatever it is it doesn't sound good" captain barnacles replied, "help.." a small young sounding voice said, everyone gasped and we started to run in the direction of the crys, we found a young fur seal with a chunk of ice on its tail

the captain walked up to the seal pup "are you hurt?" He asked, "get away from my baby girl" an adult fur seal yelled, that has to be it's mother, the mother fur seal knocked the captain away with her tail "ow..." the captain said sitting up and shaking his head, "I'm not gonna hurt you or your baby, I only want to help" he added, "yeah right, you're a polar bear and polar bears eat young fur seals" the mom said disbelievingly, "what?! Captain barnacles would never do no such thing" I yelled jumping in between the mother and the captain, "how do you know?!" The mom snapped, "because he rescued me, I was lost at sea and badly injured I wouldn't be here if it hadn't been for him, I've been his lieutenant for a long time and I've seen him help countless creatures, I know good and well he'd never hurt a shrimp let alone a baby fur seal" I lectured, the mother seal looked at me for a moment, then the ice burg that had ran aground started to creak and another chunk of ice started to fall from it, oh no it's headed straight for the baby fur seal

The captain without thinking ran past the mother seal, jumped up and knocked the ice chunk away "see I told you" I exclaimed, "um...could you get the ice off my tail please?" The baby fur seal asked looking up at the captain, "of course" barnacles replied happily, he lifted the ice chunk and tossed it aside "mm, you need a bandage on that" peso said examining the baby seals tail, he bandaged her tail in no time flat "it feels better, thanks for the help" the seal pup said thankfully,  "no problem, the octonauts are always happy to help" the captain replied accepting the thank you, "you..a polar bear...helped my daughter" the mother fur seal said in disbelief, "you where" the mother started, "kwazii" I said telling her me name, "you were right kwazii, I'm sorry I hit you with my tail" she apologized turning to the captain, "it's alright, no hard feelings" barnacles replied, "come on now, we better get going and thank you again octonauts, goodbye" the mother seal said as she started towards the water, the baby nuzzled into the captain "goodbye" she said following her mother into the ocean, that sure was unexpected

"Are you alright captain?" Shellington asked concerned, "that fur seal gave you a pretty good knock" he added, "I'm fine, guess I've gotten used to be knocked around a bit" the captain replied with a laugh, "I'd say, you'd have to as much as it happens to ya" saber agreed, "our captain is one tough polar bear, that's for sure" I added, "well, there is a reason for that" the captain said somewhat sad sounding, tweak placed her paw on the captain's shoulder in a comforting manner, we all know what he was referring to

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