chapter two: (part 3) my first rescue

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(Before the events of the last part)

(Kwazii's pov)
I'm headed out to a shipwreck to explore and make sure there are no sae creatures there that need help, I was waiting for the gup-B's battery to be fully charged when saber came down the Octo-shoot "ahoy lass, how's me little treasure doing?" I said rubbing her head, "good, what you up to?" She asked gesturing towards the gup-B, "I'm on me way to check out a shipwreck, I'd bring you with me but the captain says it's too dangerous for a young kitten" I replied, saber crossed her arms and huffed

"He always says that, one of these days there's going to be a mission where the whole crew will have to help and he'll have no choice but to bring me" she vented, "I know I know, it's not exactly fun setting around the octopod just waiting for us to get back is it?" I asked, she shook her head "I just want to get out there and actually feel like a part of the crew, you know?" She said, "yeah I do but don't worry I'm sure that'll happen soon enough" I said, about that time tweak came over and told me the gup-B was ready to go, I kissed the top of my daughter's head "I'll bring something back for you, okay?" I told her, "okay just don't crash again" she scolded with a smirk, "hey that's not nice" I laughed, I jumped...well flipped into the gup-B "hey treasure want to open the octo-hatch for me?" I asked trying to include saber, "sure thing kwaz, YEOW" she said as she ran and flipped to get to the switch, I gave her a thumbs up before I left and she waved to me, she really wants to go on a mission, I just don't want her to get hurt

(Fast forward until he got to the shipwreck)

I just arrived at the shipwreck, "too bad saber can't be here, she would've loved this" I sighed, I looked around for a while but didn't find much, I did find a gold coin which I'm bringing back to give saber but other than that there wasn't much to it "so much for this being dangerous" I said out loud, then something swam into me and sent me flying towards the front of the ship, this can only end badly

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