(Barnacles's pov)
"Boy, am I glad to see you me heartys" Kwazii exclaimed as we arrived on scene, I saw a fairly old looking shipwreck "that must've been what Kwazii wanted to explore" I thought, "what do you want us to do captain?" Peso questioned with a worried expression, "we're going to spread out and look for saber, peso you go that way, Kwazii you and Kateleen take that direction, Oasis and I will go this way" I explained gesturing in said directions with my paws, "yes sir" peso exclaimed before driving off in one direction, "aye aye" Kwazii said giving me a thumbs up before heading off in another, "let's do this" Oasis exclaimed, "that's my girl" I laughed rubbing her head with my paw, saber has got to be around here somewhereOasis and I drove for a while, not really finding much of anything "look, it's like a underwater canyon" Oasis said, pointing towards a gap in a large rock formation "mmm, it's not wide enough for the gup-A to fit through, we'll get out and look, Oasis scarf off, helmet on" I explained, Oasis nodded before running to the back of the gup to grab a spare diving helmet, we slipped on a air tank each and headed out to further explore the area
"I don't see anything, do you?" Oasis asked, "no, we better-" I started turning around to face her, I stopped midsentence seeing two box jellyfish within stinging distance of her, I shoved Oasis out of the way and growled slightly as some of the gelatinous looking creatures tentacles sent a shockwave of pain through my arm "Oasis, go call peso now" I ordered, I've had more debilitating injuries than jellyfish stings but box jellyfish are poisonous, needless to say but this is really not good
(Oasis's pov)
"Peso, come in peso" I exclaimed activating the gup-A's radio, "peso here, have you found saber yet?" The soft spoken gentoo questioned in his usual gentle manner, "dad got stung by a jellyfish, I need you to get here as fast as you can" I explained quickly, exhibiting dad's uncanny ability to stay calm under pressure "oh no" River whimpered, if only I could say the same for my brother "do you know what kind of jellyfish it was?" Peso questioned, "negative" I replied, "alright, stay with him, we're on our way" peso explained before ending the call, once that little penguin's brain goes on to medical autopilot he tends to forget about everything that he's afraid of, River sorta does the same, I think he'll make a great medic one day

My Little Treasure
Fanfictionkwazii finds a kitten adrift at sea with a note that tells how she got in this position and he doesn't know why but he feels a connection to her and takes her back to the octopod (credit to @sammytheskitty33 who gave me permission to use kwazii's p...