chapter thirteen: (part 2) A rude introduction

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(Kwazii's pov)
We Followed the captain for a while, we came a across a steep slope of snow "how are we supposed to get down that?" I asked, "are you thinking what I'm thinking peso?" The captain said with a smile as he turned to face our resident medic, peso nodded in agreement "watch and learn" he said, he started to slide down the hill on his belly, I should've expected that, he is a penguin after all, the captain was quick to follow, sliding down the hill on his back

Peso got to the bottom and stopped but the captain was heading straight for him, "peso look out" dashi shouted, the captain used his momentum to jump into the air and actually front flipped over top of peso and stuck the landing "impressive captain" I exclaimed, "thanks kwazii" the captain replied with a smile, saber front flipped off the edge of the slope and slid down on her side and much like the captain used her momentum to jump and barnacles caught her in his arms "nice catch CB" saber exclaimed in excitement, the captain laughed as he sat her down beside him and rubbed her head with his paw "come on mateys, what are you waiting for" saber mewed happily, dashi tweak Shellington and I slid down the hill and I have to admit it was pretty fun

we all have snow suits on except for the captain and peso but saber doesn't have her hood up nor does she have her jacket zipped up all the way "I can't believe you're enjoying this freezing place" I remarked, I don't like the cold but Saber's having a blast "not all pirates or cats hate the cold kwazii, besides whatcha wanna bet you me Kateleen peace ocean and grandpa are some of the only cats to like water" saber replied, "she's got a point there kwazii, most cats hate getting wet but you and your family love it" the captain agreed placing a paw on my shoulder, i suppose they're right but what saber said brought a sad thought to my mind, it reminded me of how I found her

"which way now captain?" Saber asked looking around, the captain walked forward a bit and stopped slightly in front of saber and sniffed the air once more "this way, follow me" he said pointing towards some rocks, we started walking in that direction, I really hope the captain is tracking what I think he is

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