chapter six: (part 2) captain barnacles and the manatees

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(As they got back to the octopod)

(Tweaks pov)
Kwazii and peso just got back to the octopod and they tow in the gup-A, it looked like it had been crashed "uh....what happened to the gup-A and where's the captain?" I questioned worried, "the gup-A was stuck by lightning with captain barnacles inside" peso explained, everyone gasped, why didn't he tell anybody? "and if I know the captain he should be here right about..." kwazii started, just then the captain surfaced in launch bay with the gup-D "now" kwazii finished, the captain looks relieved I wonder why?

(Inkling's pov)
"Haha" captain barnacles said confidently as he hopped out of the gup-D, everyone was quite pleased to see him as he has been gone all day, then I noticed something looked wrong with the captain's paw "captain, what happened to your paw?" I asked concerned, "eh?" The captain asked rhetorically extending his arm out to look at his paw, "oh me oh my" tweak squeaked as her ears twisted together, barnacles has hurt his paw in some way "mm, it's bruised, this needs a bandage" peso said quickly wrapping the captain's paw, "thanks peso" the captain said with a smile, "just doing my job" peso replied smiling back, "captain, how did you hurt your paw?" Shellington asked, I was wondering that too, I hope it was nothing to serious but then again this is captain barnacles we're talking about

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