chapter twenty four: (part 2) mysterious happenings

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(Saber's pov)
The crew met in the HQ as requested, "captain what's going on?" Aunt peace asked worried, "we've lost contact with the gup-E" the bear explained, "I've located dashi and peso captain" ocean piped out, "good work ocean. Tweak prepar gups C B and D for launch, kwazii saber river and myself are going after them" the captain ordered, with a salute the green bunny was off "do try to be careful dear" nora said taking the captain's paws in her own, "understood" barnacles replied, the couple rubbed their muzzles together in an Eskimo style kiss before kwazii river and myself followed the white bear into the launch bay, "the gups are all ready to go cap" tweak informed us as we entered the room, before taking a bite of her signature carrot "thanks tweak" the captain replied, jumping into the gup-C and helping river in, who was carrying his nurse's bag that peso put together for him, it's not as elaborate as peso's bag but it's good for first aid and stabilizing an injury long enough for peso to arrive, I'm just hoping he won't have to use it this time around

"Yeow" dad mewed front flipping into the gup-B, I ran down the dock and placed my paw on the edge of the gup-D's cockpit and swung my legs over landing in the driver's seat, I activated my windscreen and gave a thumbs up, signaling to the captain that I was ship-shape and ready to go "tweak open the octohatch" the captain ordered, "aye aye cap" tweak exclaimed, she pulled the lever and we were off, after driving for a while things got eerily quiet "this place is a little spooky" river observed, breaking the silence "aye, we should be seeing schools of fish and all sorts of creatures around these rocks" kwazii added, "this place is as dead as a door nail" I said narrowing my eyes, attempting to figure out why the rocky reef appeared deserted

"Look, there they are" river exclaimed, dashi was sitting on a rock as peso appeared to be bandaging her arm "dashi peso, what happened?" The captain asked, "something hit us captain" peso replied as he continued to work, "is your arm alright dashi?" Kwazii asked, peso put the dog's arm into a sling and tied it behind her neck "it was broken in the crash" he explained, "but it will heal with time" the gentle gentoo added, "arrg, this is the third time something has hit one of the gups and wrecked it" I exclaimed frustratedly, "dashi peso, did ethier of you see what hit the gup?" The captain asked, "no, but we could hear a gushing of water whenever it swam off" dashi explained, "mmm, let's spread out and search the area the culprit has got to be around here somewhere" the captain ordered, "aye aye" dad said driving away in one direction, "yes sir" I exclaimed heading in another, hopefully we can finally put an end to these mysterious crashes

I was driving along when I heard a gushing sound like the one dash described hearing "huh?" I thought aloud, turning the gup-D towards a particularly big rock "hmm" I hummed, wondering what made the noise. I started to make my way to the backside of the rock but just as I did two tentacles grabbed the gup "I've got you now" a deep voice doomed, "a giant squid" I yelled widening my eyes in surprise, "that's right" the squid retorted, "and I've got you again, you weird looking stingray" he added, "what? I'm not a stingray, I'm a-whoa" I exclaimed, before I could explain the giant of a squid shook the gup, in an attempt to get loose I extended the gup-D's arms and legs, using the claws I tried to carefully peel the squids suckers off the ship hopeing to break free

"You talking mechanical fish really are weird" the squid exclaimed, before throwing the gup-D into another rock and taking off "oof" I exclaimed, hitting my head on the ship's control panel, the gup-D fell to the sea floor. I leaned against my steering wheel attempting to activate my radio but some days your the pigeon and some days your the statue, today I was the statue and alas my vision faded to black

(third-person pov)
Saber nor the giant squid had any idea that a particularly polar bear was watching the event, he watched as the supersized creature threw his navigator around like a ragdoll, as soon as the squid retreated out of sight he rushed to his crewmates side with only one thing running through his mind "saber, please be okay"

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