chapter seven: (part 1) the visit

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(Kwazii's pov)
I was leaning on a barrel in the launch bay when the captain came down the Octo-shoot "Bianca and the cubs are almost here, do you want to open the octo-hatch kwazii?" He asked, I just shook my head not really feeling like talking, "oh, I guess I'll do it then" the captain said sadly, I know he's worried about me but I don't have the nerve to tell him what's wrong, not yet anyway, I'll see how I feel while Bianca Orson and Ursa are here

(The captain's pov)
I asked kwazii if he wanted to open the octo-hatch but he shook his head no, it's been really quiet around the octopod as of late and Kwazii's mood doesn't seem to be changing much either, maybe the Cubs well cheer him up, they're just as energetic as he is...or was, I don't know what's gotten into him but I've made it my personal mission to find out

I opened the octo-hatch for Bianca and the cubs, they climbed out of the water "barnacles" Bianca said happily, "Bianca" I said equally as happy and went to hug her, "Orson, Ursa, have you two been staying out of trouble?" I questioned, both my niece and nephew nodded "it doesn't look like you have" Bianca said with a laugh pointing at the bandage on my paw and forearm, "what happened to you this time?" She questioned, "the captain got his paw stuck in a giant clam" peso explained, both of the cubs give me worried looks "I'm fine, it's only bruised" I reassured them, I turned back to the crew but my gaze rested on Kwazii, he's just not acting like....well kwazii, I really need to help him but I have to figure out how first

(Kwazii's pov)
I know the captain's looking at me, his gaze is hard to ignore "and you must be kwazii, barnacles has told me a lot about you" Bianca said, why would he tell her about me? I'm not that important "oh really?" I said trying to sound as nonchalant as I possibly could, "well I remember when he said he wasn't sure about you at first but once he got to know you he would say that he really liked you and that you reminded him of our dad" she said, I couldn't answer, I just stared in shock "what happened to your parents?" Dashi asked, "we don't know" barnacles said sadly staring at the floor in front of him, di-did he lose his parents? "By the time Bianca and I were barely old enough to take care of ourselves they just...disappeared" the captain explained quietly, I don't want to see him like this, this must be how I made him feel, I have to say something "captain, I...I know how you feel" I blurted without thinking too much, but you know at this point I don't care, I just want to help my best friend "you do?" The captain asked a bit shocked, "yeah...when you found me in the middle of the ocean, that was the last time I saw any of me family" I said placing a paw on the captain's shoulder trying to comfort him, "you lost your whole family?" Peso asked, I don't think he could ever imagine losing anyone in his family "the only one I've ever found was me grandfather Calico Jack with the help of the octonauts, before that I thought that me crew abroad the octopod was the only family I had at all" I said sadly turning my back to everyone,

"What other family members did you have?" Saber asked trying to comfort me, she's gotta be the sweetest little kitten I've ever known, holding sabers paw I was able to face everyone again "well saber you actually have three aunts, as long as skinner hasn't gotten them" I said that last part glaring at the floor, "skinner, he better not have or I'll give him a taste of his own medicine" saber mewed with a serious tone, thing is I would let her get in involved if I ever ran into that fox again, she's pretty good with a sword and two pirates are better than one

"Atta girl" I said proudly, "kwazii I didn't know that you had sisters" The captain said, "I did I was the only boy in my family, there was me and me twin sister Kateleen our younger sister peace and our youngest sister ocean" I replied, "where was the last place you saw them?" Barnacles asked, why is he asking so many questions? "The Amazon...why do you ask?" I said, "because we're going to help you find them" he said, actually come to think of it I should have expected that from the captain

"Only on one condition" I said stepping towards the captain, "what's that?" He asked confused, "you have to let me help you find your parents" I told him, "deal" he said as we did our signature fist bump, but then the captain surprised me with a hug which I gladly accepted, I've made a promise to him now and on me honor as an octonaut I can assure you I'm not gonna break it

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