chapter twenty six: (part 4) Captain....who?

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(Kwazii's pov)
As we continued walking, any hopes I had of Saber and Carmen learning to get along were blasted into oblivion. Oasis was telling the Captain and Nora all about our adventure so far, it was kinda cute in a way, she's a lot like her father. Venturing onwards the jungle only seemed to get bigger, feeling like it could swallow us whole at any given moment"funny how this place looked so small on the map, as it now feels neverending"  I thought, passing tree after tree reminded me of being lost in the Amazon, at least I'm not separated from me crew this time

"Not too much further mateys" Nova piped up, thank goodness "what are we doing standing around talking then?" Saber questioned, tilting her head to the side "you octonuats really are strange" Carmen scoffed, initiating an irritated growl from saber "easy now treasure, I know you like to get things done instead of leaving them till last minute but Let's just keep going" I said, placing me paw on me daughters shoulder "sounds better than lollygagging around here" saber huffed in replie, "alright then, keep up" Carmen called, we continued on until we came upon something amazing

An old pirate ship, ran aground on a small beach "shiver me whiskers" saber and I exclaimed in unison, is this where Carmen and Nova live? "Now let's get up to the deck, shouldn't keep our captain waiting" Carmen spoke, answering my question before I even asked it. I'm not sure who we're about to meet but I have my suspicions, making our way onto the deck of the ship, Carmen and Nova stopped abruptly in front of a door "wait here, we'll be right back" Carmen ordered, holding the door for Nova "were do you think they're going dad?" Saber questioned, "Captain's quarters, I'd say" I replied, I have a feeling we're about to meet the pirate captain we've been looking for

(Saber's pov)
After a minute or two, Carmen and Nova finally came back through the door with a cat who looked like me following them "we're proud to introduce our captain, midnight moon" Nova announced, I never thought this would happen, is she.. "it's a pleasure to meet you all, please just call me moon I stopped using my real name a long time ago" she explained, I don't know why that information is relevant but it's... whatever. She took a step towards me taking a good look at my face "mm, those features look...very familiar" moon hummed, "that's what I thought" Carmen added, "um..this wouldn't happen to be you would it?" I asked, pulling the picture frame I got from skinner out of a pocket on my belt and handed it to moon

"Where did you get a picture of my daughter from?" Moon demanded after taking one look at the photo, "from a fox who harassed my family for years, way before I came along" I explained, "family? We haven't seen my daughter since she was a baby, she was never even officially named" moon exclaimed, "after you're ship was raided by foxes right?" I questioned tentatively, Moon Nova and Carmen looked at each other, faces layered in shock. I cleared my throat before trying to force my usual valiant manner "kwazii found me in the middle of the ocean as an infant, he's been my dad ever since" I explained, "aye, there was a note on that little makeshift raft as well" kwazii added, I nodded before taking the back off the picture frame to reveal the note "that's clever of ya kit" dad smiled, "thanks" I replied, now let's see if the question that I've had my whole life will finally be answered

Moon quickly looked over the note "what's you're name?" She bluntly asked, tone demanding an answer "saber" I replied, Moon looked at kwazii then paused in thought for a moment "penny calypso, get up here" she called, two kittens who looked to be around the same age as Oasis and River appeared, one boy swinging in on a vine and one girl who seemed to have scaled the side of the wrecked ship and once at the brim of the old brigantine, front flipped onto the deck "it's time you two finally met you're big sister" Moon explained, "what?" I exclaimed, "Saber, this is you're little brother Calypso and you're little sister Penny" moon started, "Penny calypso this is saber" the two young cats ran up to me

"You look exactly like mom" penny said, examining me from head to tail "why do you're boots have a sea monster on the sides?" Calypso asked, laying on his stomach to get a closer look at the design "it's not a sea monster, it's an octopus. the octonuats logo" I explained, "what's an octonuat?" Penny asked, "you're looking at one" I remarked, "we are the octonuats, it's our mission to keep the worlds oceans safe and sound" barnacles explained, I turned to face moon "does this mean..?" I trailed off, "yes saber, I'm you're mom and you are finally home" moon responded, picking me up and hugging me tight "but this isn't my home, my home is on the octopod with the rest of the octonuats" I explained, moon frowned upon hearing my words but I can't just up and abandon the only life and family I've ever known

"don't worry, we'll always come back to visit" kwazii explained, "that's right, captain barnacles has family in the arctic and dashi has family in both new Zealand and Hawaii" shellington piped out, "and apparently my little treasure has family in the Amazon and the Galapagos islands" kwazii smiled, "and aboard the octopod" I added, "very well, as long as we can stay in touch this time" Moon stated, "of course, you can visit the octopod from time to time" the captain explained, Moon nodded in response. We spent the rest of the day getting to know my biological family and I must admit I had a pretty good time. Later that night back at the octopod in my comfortably familiar bed, I was staring at the picture of me and midnight moon, I removed the back to read the new note

"It may have taken a long time for us to find each other but I'm glad you found you're calling not only as a pirate but as an octonuat, my life is totally different from the one you've always known but remember I'm always there maybe not always physically but always in you're heart"
Love  mom.

(The End.)

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