chapter nine: (part 1) the captain's one fear

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(The captain's pov)
All 12 octonauts were out making sure all was well in the ocean, you heard me right I said 12 octonauts, after getting back to the octopod, I decided to make Kateleen peace and ocean apart of the crew, now I was swimming along when I saw some needlefish

I swam down to avoid them, as i sat on the sand I could feel myself start to hyperventilate, something i only do if I'm afraid, I've never liked needles but some creatures use sharp needle-like parts of their body's to defend themselves, I should be used to this by now, I closed my eyes to regain control over my breathing

I felt a paw on my shoulder "ah" I said as I jumped up, I turned around only to find a surprised kwazii "calm your little cotton ball tail captain, it's only me" he said, "I noticed" I growled in frustration, "gee captain, what's gotten into ya?" Kwazii asked, I didn't reply, Bianca is the only one other than myself to know what I'm afraid of and I'm not about to tell kwazii

(Kwazii's pov)
The captain just glared at me, what's gotten into him? He never has mood swings like this, I was about to say something but Saber's voice came on the radio "captain we have a octopus with a rock on his tentacle, your the only one strong enough to move it, we need you" she said, "I'm on my way" barnacles replied, I followed him something's wrong and I'm gonna figure out what, we got to the octopus and the captain lifted the rock off him with ease but then a little needlefish came up and asked peso for help, the captain backed away from the needlefish "are you alright captain?" Peso asked as he gave the needlefish a check up, the captain didn't speak, hang on a second....why is he breathing like that? It almost seems like he's trying to keep himself from hyperventilating, I've never seen the captain like this, something is really really wrong with him,

I then heard an alarm from the captain's octo-compass that I've never heard before, the captain took one look at it and darted up to the surface, I followed him again "captain what's wrong?" I said breaking the surface next to him, "something's wrong with my air tank, it was half full a moment ago but now it's almost empty" he explained, "I could get you a different one" I offered, "I think you might have to" he replied, I gave him a thumbs up and dived back down to get another air tank from one of the gups, I wonder what he's hiding? He's got to be keeping me in the dark for some reason

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