chapter twenty two: (part 4) lost at sea

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(River's pov)
"Do you think dad will be alright peso?" I questioned worriedly, "jellyfish stings can be quite painful and most jellyfish are poisonous, but knowing the captain he'll most likely be fine" peso explained calmly, that's true, dad is tough but that doesn't stop me from worrying about him

"Over here" Oasis called out as we arrived at the scene, peso grabbed his medical bag as I put on a diving helmet, "you can do this River, if you're going to be a medic you're gonna have to learn to stay calm in situations like this" I thought trying to keep myself calm and focused, "you ready?" Peso questioned, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding due to the bodies instinct to prepare it's self for a fear or stress filled situation

"Ready as I'll ever be" I sighed, peso opened the gup-E's  windscreen, we swam up to dad and Oasis "do you feel dizzy? Do you feel lightheaded? do you feel faint?" I questioned picking up pesos stethoscope, "no, not at all" dad replied in a calm voice, "do you know what kind of jellyfish stung you captain?" Peso asked, "a box jellyfish, it almost stung Oasis" he explained, "well, that's definitely not good" I exclaimed taking the stethoscope out of my ears, "we need to get you back to the Octopod" peso added,

"Oasis, can you pilot the gup-A?" Dad asked turning to face my sister, "well saber gave me a few lessons but I've never actually driven her myself" she explained, "then let me put it this way, do you think you can?" Dad asked rephrasing his question, "I can certainly try" Oasis said swaying her tail side to side slowly, she does that if she's nervous about something "I want you to take the gup-A and find Kwazii and Kateleen if you can" dad told her explaining his idea, "aye aye captain" Oasis exclaimed before swimming off, peso and I began to help dad to the gup-E, I sure hope Oasis knows what she's doing

(Oasis's pov)
"Gup-A to gup-C, can you hear me?" I questioned activating the gup-A's radio, "loud and clear little matey, any sign of me treasure yet?" Kwazii questioned, "unfortunately no, dad got stung by a box jellyfish and peso and River took him back to the Octopod" I explained, "is he gonna be okay?" Kateleen asked, "yes, he'll be fine, he's in good flippers" I remarked happily, "now is there anywhere you haven't checked yet?" I questioned, putting my focus back on the situation at hand

"We ain't checked the surface yet" Kwazii replied, "10-4, I'll start searching there" I explained, "um..Oasis since when do you know how to drive the gup-A?" Kateleen asked, "I have you're niece to thank for that" I laughed, "alright, just be careful" Kwazii added, "since when did you know anything about being careful?" I said calling him out, "well, me crashing is one thing, you crashing would be a whole different ballgame" he explained, "yeah, I guess you're right" I sighed, "alright, we'll keep our eyes peeled for you matey, over and out" Kwazii said ending the call, I pulled the steering wheel back toward my chest to aim the ship upwards

"Now let's see" I started picking up dad's binoculars, "where are you saber?" I questioned outloud, I scanned the surface for a while before seeing an island..with a cat on it? It's not saber but looks to be around her age, it's fur is calico colored, something about this feels wrong, I better see if I can help. I drove up to the beach, the young cats ears parked up at hearing the gup-A "whatever ya be ye best be gone" she exclaimed not wanting to turn around, "I'm not here to hurt you, honest" I explained, "really?" She asked disbelievely, "really" I assured her, she turned finally having built up enough courage to face me

"Are you okay? Are you hurt in any way?" I questioned taking a few slow steps towards her, " don't think so, I've certainly never seen a creature like you, who are you exactly?" She asked, "my names Oasis, I'm half polar bear and half grey wolf, so I'm not surprised you've never seen someone who looks like me, I'm also part of an underwater exploration group that my dad is the captain of" I explained, "my names Cleo, I was aboard a passenger ship when it was raided by a group of pirate foxes, one of them shoved me over the side and into the water, I found this island after swimming for a while and I've been here ever since" she explained, I feel kinda bad for her now

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