chapter eight: (part 3) the cat family

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(Saber's pov)
I was walking around trying to find dad and the rest of the octonauts when I heard something that sounded like talking so I moved closer to it careful not to be seen as I didn't recognize the voices

"Your brother and sisters aren't around to save you this time" the Male voice laughed evilily, I could hear whimpers so I moved closer to see who it was, it was a fox and a cat that kinda looked like dad, the fox held the cat at sword point, there's no doubt in my mind this is skinner

I grabbed a vine with my paw "no one can save you now" skinner said coldly, "not if I can help it" I said swinging in and grabbing the young teenage cat with my free arm and landing on a tree branch, "avast, just who do you think you are?" The fox yelled angrily, "none of your business" I said before me and the other cat swung into the jungle and disappeared from skinner's sight, "are you alright?" I asked the cat, "yeah thank you for saving me, my names ocean" she replied, "I'm saber, you wouldn't happen to have a brother named kwazii would you?" I asked, I think I know who I just found

"yeah, how did you know?" Ocean questioned confused, "your brother is my dad" I said proudly, "your his daughter? But Kwazii's fur is orange like mine and ours is back and white, I've also never seen a cat with a bright green tuft of fur on their head" she said suspiciously, "well I didn't say he was my biological father did I, he adopted me" I explained, "ether way we need to go find kwazii before skinner finds us" I said and gestured for her to follow me, I really hope skinner doesn't find kwazii before we do

We walked for a while before finally hearing something familiar or familiar to me at least, it was a roar and I know exactly who that roar came out of "what was that saber?" Ocean asked frightened, "I recognize that voice" I said running towards it with ocean close behind me, when we got there I saw who I expected to see, captain barnacles, he even had most of the crew with him, everyone except kwazii, there was actually another complete different cat that I've never seen in my life, this cat looked exactly like dad but it was a girl, me and ocean rushed over to see what was going on and I couldn't believe who I saw huddled on the ground at the base of a tree acting extremely intimidated by the polar bear captain, what in the seven seas is going on?

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