chapter twenty five: (part 4) siblings

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(Saber's pov)
I threw myself between totem chloe river and the strangers, sword at the ready "heh, looking for a fight hun? Why don't ye pick on someone you're own seize" the cat taunted, "keep talkin' you're smack if you want me to back mine up" I retorted, kwazii now standing next to me in the same ready stance "don't hurt them" totem pleaded, "oh come on totes, we were told to take care of you and that's what we intend on doing" the bulldog spoke in a gruff voice, dad and I gave each other a questioning look "what?" We exclaimed in union, "our captain told us to keep this youngin alive, we're just following orders" the male cat said, taking a step closer to me "come to think of it, you look a lot like our captain, doesn't she Nova?" He said, turning back to his crewmate "aye, sure does Carmen" the bulldog replied, "who is you're captain?" Oasis asked, "huddle up Nov" Carmen exclaimed, him and Nova turned their backs to us "what in the seven seas is going on?" Dad whispered, "I don't know but I bet they're whispering about us" I replied softly, when dad suggested we bring our swords, I really was hoping we wouldn't have to use them for anything other than cutting a path through the brush but now I don't know what's gonna go down

Finally the two pirates pulled away from each other "follow us, we're gonna take you to our captain" Carmen explained, "totem needs to stay off his feet, he has compound fracture in his leg" river piped out, "you what?" Carmen asked with a Caribbean accent, confusion spreading across his face "the more he's off his feet, the quicker it will heal" river explained, peso's taught him well "what are we supposed to do about that mate?" The Australian bulldog asked, "well, I do have a stretcher" river explained, pulling a piece of cylinder shaped metal from his bag, extending it to reveal a tarp like material. What well tweak think of next? With Carmen and Nova leading the way and carrying totem, we started walking, kwazii and I keeping our swords out and ready, I'm not so sure I trust these two yet

(Barnacles' pov)
So far everything is running smoothly aboard the octopod, as the currents started to pick up I could hear a voice "eh?" I exclaimed, turning to face the window. A baby sea lion was swept across my view, without thinking I ran down to the launch bay and rushed into the gup-C  "tweak open the octohatch" I ordered, "what's going on?" She asked worried, "no time to explain" I replied, closing the windscreen and diving downward, as soon as I got outside I followed the current the sea lion was in "ah, there you are" I exclaimed, as the sea lion pup came into view "activating autopilot" I thought aloud, the idea is to tie a rope around my waist to keep myself attached to the gup so I can swim into the current and grab the sea lion and pull both of us back out, now to hope everything goes to plan

Nearing ever closer to the sea lion I put my plan into action. "Easy does it" I muttered, my eyes or...eye locked onto the pup "got you" I exclaimed once I had my arm around the sea lion, now swimming into the current and getting my paws on the sea lion was the easy part "now for the hard part" I said, glancing between the sea lion and the gup, grabbing the rope with my free arm I began pulling "captain look out" dashi's voice cried out from the radio, I quickly saw what she was warning me about. The current flowed between two piller like rocks, there wasn't much I could do except hug the sea lion pup to my chest and hope the rope doesn't break, as the rocks grew near I braced myself. The gup-C caught on the top of the rocks, bringing it to a screeching halt

To my relief the rope held "that was close" I signed, "captain are you alright? Can you hear me?" Dashi exclaimed frantically, "I'm fine" I replied, it took some doing but I managed to pull myself and the sea lion pup up to the bottom hatch of the gup-C, I put the pup though first and then pulled myself out of the water "phew, how are you?" I smiled, as the baby sea lion started to nuzzle my leg I noticed she was favoring her left flipper "peso I have an injured sea lion pup, I'm on my way back" I spoke in to my helmet radio, stroking the sea lion with my paw "aye aye captain" peso replied,  as the conversation ended the baby sea lion yawned "heh heh, let's get you back to the octopod shall we" I chuckled, I think we've both had enough excitement for one day

(End of chapter twenty five: siblings)

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