chapter eighteen: (part 1) a big surprise

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(Kwazii's pov)
I woke up and stood from me bed, I started to get ready for the day, today is the captain's birthday, we're gonna make a surprise party for him and it's my job to keep the captain busy and away from the octopod while the others set everything up, just then a call came through the control center of me bedroom "kwazii, can you meet me in the sick bay I need you're help with something" peso explained, "sure matey, I'm on me way down" I responded happily, the call ended and I front flipped into the octo-shoot, I'm so excited, the captain does so much for everyone, it's nice to be able do something for him 

I made me way to the sick bay to meet up with me little penguin buddy peso, I wonder what he needs me for "ahoy matey" I exclaimed happily as I entered the room, "good morning kwazii" peso replied cheerfully, "so what'd you need me for matey?" I asked my curiosity getting the better of me, "I need to think of a present for the captain's birthday, besides tweak you know him the best, I wondered if you had any ideas" the little gentoo penguin explained, "mmm...what do you give a polar bear who wants nothing but deserves so much?" I pondered as I started to pace, that's when it hit me "dashi" I gasped, "huh?" Peso asked confused, "dashi said she was making a photo album of the whole crew, he'd love that" I explained excitedly, "ooh, I like that idea, I'll ask dashi about it" peso agreed, "tweak to kwazii" said a southern accent on me helmet radio, "I read ya loud and clear matey, what's up?" I asked, "you'd best head to the HQ, I told the captain you was looking for him, I don't care what you do just get him away from the octopod" tweak explained, "aye aye, I'm on me way, kwazii out" I said ending the call, "thanks again for your help kwazii" peso said as we walked out the door and into the hall, "no problem matey, remember when it be time for me to come back just call me" I replied, "what well we say to the captain?" He inquired, "we're gonna sound the octo-alert, ya know the captain won't ignore that" I explained, "true" peso agreed, after that we went our separate ways

Peso went off to find dashi and I ran down the hallway to the lift, doing my usual stunts all the while, the lift was just about to the HQ but I got inpatient and front flipped up "YEOW" I yelled while doing so, "did Tunip put coffee in you're kelp cakes again?" The captain laughed at my excitement, "nope, not this time" I explained laughing with him, "anyway, tweak said you were looking for me, what'd you need?" He asked with a smile, he's always happy to help no matter what, I can't wait to see his face when we surprise him "I was wondering if you wanted to head outside for a race and a game or two" I explained, "I'd love to, race ya to the launch bay" he remarked, "you're on, last one there be a rotten fish egg" I yelled happily, today is gonna be a shipload of fun

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