chapter twenty five: (part 2) siblings

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(Authors note: if you want to read another darker themed octonuats story I recommend ~A fake smile~ by Ah-luv-coffee)

(Kwazii's pov)
We're on our way to the Island, with saber at the steering wheel of the gup-A "meow, I just can't wait to get out there" I mewed excitedly, "we'll be there soon enough" saber chuckled, "sometimes I wonder which one of you is the adult" Oasis remarked smirking, "definitely not kwazii" saber replied, "oi, watch it" I exclaimed, much to the delight of the twins who were in a laughing fit. Saber sighed and smiled as she drove onward "are they always like this?" Chloe asked, turning to the twins "always" river answered, "mmm" the calico hummed, she's not quite used to our chaos "landho" saber exclaimed, I pulled me spyglass up to me eye "aye, island unexplored and undocumented dead ahead" I spoke, as the twins cheered in excitement "I hope we find totem" chloe muttered, I honestly hope she's right cuz, 1 we need reunit chloe with her family, and 2 I have a feeling it's going to bring us one step closer to finding midnight moon

(River's pov)
"Saber to captain barnacles" saber said, activating the radio in front of her "barnacles here, go ahead saber" dad replied, appearing on the screen "we've just arrived at the island sir" saber explained, "very good, we'll keep an eye on you with the radar, radio in if you need anything" dad replied happily, "aye aye captain, saber out" the green haired kitten replied, ending the call "saber, may I ask you a question?" Chloe asked, "ask away" saber replied, turning around to face her "is your hair naturally green? I've never seen a cat with fur that color before" chloe questioned, "aye it's natural for me, guess I'm just kinda different like the captain, he has light blue streaks in his quiff" saber explained, "that's where I get it" Oasis exclaimed, "I have a white strip like mum does" I added, we definitely have unusual coloring for our species but none really confirms with what's considered normal for their species in this story

(Saber's pov)
We started to venture away from the beach and the gup-A, as we made our way inland I couldn't shake the feeling we were being watched "something wrong treasure?" Dad asked, "is it just me or do you get the feeling that we're being stalked?" I questioned quietly, not wanting to scare chloe or the twins "now that ya mention it, yeah" dad replied,  "let's keep this between you and me for the time being, alright?" I asked, kwazii gave me a silent sulet and we caught up with the rest of the group, I really hope this isn't a sign of things to come

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