chapter twenty four: (part 3) mysterious happenings

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(Authors note: Tayis32 requested barnacles singing all is found to saber to calm her down from a nightmare, so here's my take on that)

(Saber's dream)
I woke up in my bed at the octopod, I sat up and turned expecting to see dad in his bed but he was nowhere in sight "mmm, that's odd" I thought, he's never up as early as I am...maybe the captain woke him up, yeah that's gotta be it....I hope, I walked into the kitchen for breakfast but everything was quiet..too quiet, no one was in the kitchen either not even the vegetamals, something really isn't right they wouldn't all leave on a mission and not tell me, I headed to the HQ and sat at my usual station and checked the security cameras but couldn't find anyone, it's like the octopod was just...abandoned, I turned away from the control panel and hugged my knees to my chest "I wish dad was here" I sniffled, feeling very alone, the octonuats were the only family I ever knew now there all...gone

(Captain's pov)
As I swam past some rocks, I came across saber...oh no, a giant squid has a hold of Saber's gup, just as I comprehended the situation the squid threw the gup-D into a rock as it fell to the sea floor I could see that saber wasn't moving "saber" I shouted, I quickly swam up to the gup-D "saber, can you hear me?" I asked, saber didn't respond, she's unconscious "peso river, saber just got attacked, I need a medic ASAP" I said into my helmet radio, "come on saber" I muttered under my breath, as my gaze rested on the kitten her eyes started to slowly open, saber lifted her head up "meow" she groaned, "captain" she yelped, she immediately activated her helmet and opened the windscreen and tackle hugged me, I could tell she was scared "it's alright saber, peso and river are on their way and I'm sure kwazii is right behind them" I soothed rubbing her back, all she did was tighten her grip on me, I recalled a song my mum used to sing to me and Bianca when we were little

"Where the north wind meets the sea
There's a river full of memory
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this river all is found" I sing softly, I rocked saber slightly in my arms "In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far or you'll be drowned" I continued, saber started to relax and breathe deeply and slowly "Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear And in her song, all magic flows But can you brave what you most fear? Can you face what the river knows?" I smiled as saber started humming along "Where the north wind meets the sea There's a mother full of memory Come, my darling, homeward bound When all is lost, then all is found" I sang, finishing the song "saber" I heard kwazii yell, saber pulled away from me upon hearing his voice and swam as fast as she could to get to him

"You're alright treasure, I've got you and as long as I do, I promise I'm going to make sure you're okay" kwazii cooed, more than happy to allow his daughter to cling to him "You're tail is sprained" river explained, he pulled a bandage from his nurse's bag before handing it to me and wrapped sabers tail as lightning fast as peso "thanks river" saber smiled quietly, "anytime" river responded cheerfully, "you really are getting good at bandaging river" I commented, handing his bag to him "thanks papa" river replied shyly with a smile, "at least we now know who had been missing with our ships" saber mewed, forcing her normal confident tone "what happened?" Peso questioned with a gulp, "I'll explain on the way back" saber mewed, "we'd best be getting back to dashi" I remarked, peso and river nodded and started to swim behind me

(Kwazii's pov)
"Sab and I'll catch up to ya captain" I told the white bear, he gave me a double thumbs up and continued on with our medic and his little one "you alright kit?" I asked, turning to saber "heh, I'll survive...but can I sleep with you tonight?" She replied, "sure you can, but I warn ya I'm a cuddler" I remarked, "that'll be just fine" saber laughed, "race ya back to the gups?" I smirked, "last one to the ship's be a rotten fish egg" saber cheered laughing, "hey, you had a head start" I laughed, "catch me if you can" she shot back, I laughed trying to keep up, saber sure be a lively one

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