nervous tick

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"I know it's been years since they died and I know it's been a couple years since he killed them... well her, but I still don't know how to act around him... it's just... weird for me." 

"I believe Sergeant Barnes is trying his best to make amends with you boss." FRIDAY spoke softly. 

Tony sighed heavily as he just sprawled himself out even more on his bed, "I know he is, I can tell too but it's still... weird." He mumbled then rubbed his eyes furiously as he tried to think of a better way to word it rather just saying the same word over and over again because it was frustrating him too. 

"Of course boss." FRIDAY hummed. "I also believe that you need to get up because if I'm not mistaken, the Captain is at your door at this moment with Agent Barton, Sergeant Barnes, Mister Wilson, and Doctor Banner." She suggested to the billionaire. 

Tony made a noise as he got up then walked over to his door and gave them all a bitch face, "alright you better make this quick because I was just having my usual therapy session with FRIDAY so what?" He huffed in annoyance. 

"Thanks Tony." Steve scoffed. 

"You're welcome Cappy." Tony beamed. 

"I hate that nickname." Steve grumbled. 

"I know. Why else do ya think I call you that?" Tony gave him a cheeky grin. 

"Knock it off Tony." Bruce waved the engineer off as he started to walk into his room. 

"My Bruce... do come in." Tony gestured for the doctor to walk in while he deadpanned. 

"What did I just say Tony?" Bruce gave the mechanic a look while he sat on his bed. "Some of us are going on a mission so you're stuck with Vision, Nat, Wanda, and Bucky." He shrugged. 

"Okay." Tony shrugged as well, going to sit on his bed as well. 

"And you can't stay down in the lab the whole time because not only will I tell FRIDAY to lock you out after a while but I will also get one, if not both, of the girls to drag you out." Bruce warned. 

Tony sighed dramatically, "ugh! Bruce..." He groaned. 

"Don't even start with me." The doctor held up a finger at the billionaire. 

Tony crossed his arms with a huff as he grumbled and kicked the floor in retaliation but didn't argue about anything else. 

"Why do we always argue with him whenever Bruce isn't around? We're so stupid." Sam scoffed. 

"Absolute idiots." Tony smirked. 

"That was rhetorical." Sam groaned. 

"Just sayin'." Tony shot his hands up defensively as he gave the Falcon another smirk. 

Sam grumbled while Clint laughed, Steve chuckled and rolled his eyes at the little banter between the two, Bucky fidgeted around in his spot as Bruce just sighed tiredly from them. 

"What's the mission for that you basically need everyone?" Tony looked between all of them with a curious gaze. 

"No idea." Steve shrugged. 

"Aren't you Captain?" Clint rose a brow at the blonde. 

"Yeah." Steve hummed. 

"You're a dipshit." Bucky rolled his eyes as he scoffed at the blonde while the others laughed at the older brunette's comment and the Captain grumbled. 

"Asshole." Steve glared. 

"Prick." Bucky shot back, ready for it as always. 

"I hate you." Steve huffed. 

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