ah yes, coffee shops

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"You dropped this doll."

Tony bit back the little whimper he wanted to make when this specific man started talking to him.
So, ya know that thing you do when you see someone standing in line behind you that's like, freakishly hot, and you just lift up your shirt so they could see your ass?

Yeah, so, Tony knows all about that all too well because that's exactly what he did right now.

Let's just, take it back a little bit so you know where they are right now.

The billionaire jumped slightly then groaned and sighed heavily as he heard his best friend shouting at him even though he was literally just spinning around in his chair and spinning around.

"Ya gotta get out Tones, come on." Rhodey sighed as he waved at the man for him to get out from the chair.

"But I don't wanna!" Tony whined.

"Tony, do you want your coffee?" Rhodey gave him a look.

"Of course!" Tony gasped at that accusation.

"Then you're gonna go get it yourself." Rhodey deadpanned.

"But Rhodey!" Tony whined.

"Nope." Rhodey shook his head firmly at that.

"If I die, stay away from my suits." Tony pointed a finger at him then headed up the stairs to take a shower, get dressed, then go get his fuel.
Tony was just waiting in line, looking down at his phone, when he furrowed his brows once he heard people gasp and even some girls giggle as the door opened.

The billionaire looked up to see what the big deal was and looked around the room to see who was getting so much attention. He shrugged when he didn't see anybody that would be so special so just turned back around to face the line again as he also went back to being bored.

Now, Tony has no idea why but he just glanced up at the mirror above the line then literally gasped just to cover his mouth immediately when he saw the man behind him, waiting in line too.

"damn it!" Tony cursed himself then took a step when the line moved up.

Of course, being the little snoop and stalker that he is, Tony went back on his phone then started to talk to FRIDAY, being that he had his glasses on, it worked out.

"Who is he?" Tony spoke in Italian as, from the looks of it, the man didn't seem like he knew the language and if he did then this is gonna be awkward.

"A soldier, Sergeant more specifically, in the army whom currently has a job with them now." The AI responded back in Italian.

"Ooo!" Tony perked up at the title. "What's his name?" He mumbled.

"He goes by the name of Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes." FRIDAY responded back. "But here's a fun fact, like the Captain, he also has enhanced hearing so I suggest you explain to him why someone just said his name that seemed to be coming from you boss." She smirked.

"I hate my life." Tony deadpanned then moved up again when the line did.

"Also, like the Captain, he got the super soldier serum as well which makes him look-"

"Look so yummy." Tony hummed then shrieked when the AI just decided to be a bitch and send a ringing noises in his ear. "Damn it FRIDAY, I hate it when you do that." He grumbled.

"He knows Russian, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Latin, and, of course, English." FRIDAY continued on.

"So he doesn't know Italian?" Tony asked hopefully.

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