New Bodyguard

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"I don't need a bodyguard." Tony groaned at his friends. 

"There's a death threat out for you Tones, just give this man a try. He's supposedly the best." Rhodey reasoned with his best friend as he gave him a look. 

Tony gave him one back. 


"Just meet with the guy." Pepper groaned. 


"Well too bad cause he's here now so you're gonna meet him either way and you're gonna be nice to him." Pepper hummed then headed out go get the bodyguard the brunette was going to meet with. 

"This is ridiculous, why would I possibly need a-" 

Tony stopped short when the man walked in and he knew that if he was standing, he would've fallen but luckily he was sitting so he stumbled to get up to great the gorgeous man. 

The other brunette who walked in was tall, muscular, and very attractive. 

His jaw was crafted by the Gods. 

His hair was short yet quiffed perfectly, like one you would see on a famous person or a celebrity. 

He had on a wonderful fully black suit and he was killing it! 

His eyes were a steel blue, they were perfect and they made him stand out because he's never seen anybody with eyes of that color before and it made him weak. 

"Tony." He held out his hand immediately as he gave him a small smile. 

"Tony Stark." 

"Oh for the love of God." Rhodey scoffed with a roll of his eyes as he gave his best friend a look. 

"Can it Rhodes, this is business." Tony snapped at him then hummed as he sat down again then leaned back in his chair, tossing one leg over his other one with a hum but rather than being smooth with it, he kicked his foot against his table then cursed as he slipped off his chair with a groan when he hit the floor. 

The man cocked a brow at him as he was clearly lost with this interview but sat down and eyed the other brunette carefully. 

"Is this an interview?" He eyed him. 

"Oh, yes." Tony sat up immediately, brushed himself off, then hummed as he faced the man with a sweet smile and batted his lashes at him sweetly. 


The man cocked a brow as he gave him a look then shrugged and sat back in his seat and waited for the questions. 

"What's your name?" Tony hummed as he was writing something on his paper. 

"James, but people call me Bucky, Barnes." The man informed. 

"You're hired." Tony spoke up immediately while the man was surprised at the knowledge but then hummed with a shrug and leaned back in his seat. 

"Tones, you can't-" 

"Shush, Pep, this is business." Tony waved him off then turned back to the man with a sweet smile as the man nodded along softly but was so confused with the look he was receiving from him. 

"Alright, scram." He waved them out then walked over to his desk just to grab a camera and take a photo of him for science and research purposes. 

Bucky jumped slightly then blinked as he eyed him. 

"Wha-What was that for?" 

"Oh! This?" Tony pointed to his camera. 


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