the nanny

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"Oh, look at the cute little baby." Pepper smiled and waved at the child.

"Hi baby."

"Tony, aren't you tired?" She nudged and took the baby from him.

"Yeah." Tony nodded softly and pulled the blanket over himself some more.

"I'm gonna have a scar after this C-section. It'll just be lighter." He sighed.

"This is terrible... I have a kid."

"Oh, come on, Tones. You love the baby." Rhodey nudged.

"I know. And I do." Tony affirmed.

"I just... I'm a single parent, honey bear."

"I have a full-time job. I have a baby now. I can't stay home and do my job. I'm an engineer!" He panicked.

"Damn you, tequila!" He cursed.

"I never would've taken my clothes off if you hadn't have been created." He glared at nothing in particular.

"Tones, who was the father?" Pepper looked at him curiously.

"I don't remember. I was too drunk on tequila to remember the man, much less his name." Tony sighed.

"Tones, we can help." Rhodey ensured.

"I know, but you guys have lives as well."

"I can take care of him when we're at work and you have meetings or mechanics to do." Pepper smiled.

"I can always watch him on my days when I'm doing paperwork." Rhodey cut in.

"No, guys. Thanks for the help but... I can manage. I just need to get the hang of things." Tony reasoned.

"Hopefully it works out." Pepper hummed as she was rocking the baby in her arms.

"You have a name for him?"


"I thought you always liked the name Peter for a boy?" Rhodey nudged.

"I know but it's so common. Plus, I saw a commercial for Harley Davidson motorcycles and I've always liked the brand." Tony shrugged.

"Come on, now boys. Quit talking." Pepper waved.

"You need to sleep, Tones. You quite literally just gave birth."

"Don't remind me." Tony eyed her.

"Go to sleep, mister." Pepper waved a finger at him.

"Thanks, guys." Tony smiled as he got comfortable in the hospital bed.

"Good night." He yawned, then fell asleep with a soft hum.


"Harley, come on. Go to bed." Tony whined as he was walking around and rocking him in his arms.

"I'm tired."

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" He groaned and showed him the clock.

"It is 3:48 in the Goddamn morning. I'm tired, nencito." He whimpered.

Harley kept crying as Tony was thinking of different things to help him calm down.

"I only know of walking, rocking, and singing."

"And you don't like any of the English, French or Italian songs I know." Tony reasoned as he was rocking him in the rocking chair Pepper had gotten him.

"Harley, nencito, please? I am tired." He whined.

He took off his shirt and held him close, then smiled and relaxed when the baby started to calm down.

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