"who can break first?"

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Steve walked into the kitchen because he got an idea. He walked over to his best friend and sat right across from him with a gleam in his eyes, "alright Buck... let's play a game shall we?"

"What?" Bucky said with slight nervousness in his voice as he cocked a brow at the blonde.

"Who can break first?" The Captain smirked.

"Well now I'm scared." Bucky gulped.

"You and Tony are dating so I wanna see something." The blonde hummed. "Go however long you can without having sex with Tony until he starts beggin' for it." Steve looked smug.

"Oh! Just walk around naked!" Clint rushed over and offered the suggestion to the brunette.

"What?" Bucky shot his head to the archer immediately. "No! I'm not doing that! I'm not even doing this 'bet' in the first place because it's stupid."

"Probably a good idea too." Steve pondered as he tapped his fingers against the table lightly. "I would've bet on Tony anyway so never mind." He waved the brunette off as he leaned back in his chair with a sigh. "He would win." He shrugged.

Bucky shot his head to the blonde next at his comment, "excuse me?" He rose a brow.

"Yeah. Both of you are playboys but my money still woulda been on Tony. Technically speaking, he's had more experience than you so he would probably win." Steve waved it off again like it was nothing while the others instantly knew what the Captain was doing as the other super soldier gaped at his words.

"Are you serious right now?" Bucky gave him an unamused look. "Are you kidding me Steve?" He huffed.

"Yeah, my money would be on him too." Scott shrugged as he also sat down on the table.

"Dude!" Bucky gaped as he looked at the Ant-Man next.

"All's I'm sayin' is, I've known both of you around the same amount of time but still. My money's on him, yeah." Scott shot his hands up defensively then shrugged again.

"What's the proposition." Bucky growled as he looked at the blonde immediately.

Steve smirked then leaned on the table, closer to the man with a grin on his face, "make him break." He hummed. "Before you that is." He grinned.

"That all?" Bucky chuckled lightly.

"Yup. Let's just see who can break first." Steve hummed.

"Well alright then." Bucky smirked then reached his hand out for the blonde to shake.

Steve shook his hand then pulled the man close so their faces were mere inches apart as he gave him a stern look. "Win. Buck... Win."

"Got it." Bucky nodded his head then moved away from the man and took his hand away as well.
Tony was actually having a very similar conversation with the girls at the same time.

"I have a great idea!" Nat realized something. "Don't have sex with him to make him break." She hummed at her own idea.

"Oooo!" Wanda bounced on his bed with excitement as she understood what the ex-assassin was getting at. "Wear things that will make him want you but don't give it to him unless he begs." She explained.

Tony laughed at that, "and what made you come to this proposition?" He gave them an amused look.

"Because both of you are incredibly smooth talkers, you can easily make the other break if you really put your mind to it." Nat pondered then looked at the man with a gleam in her eyes. "But the real question is who can last longer?"

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