tangled 3

217 13 1

The horse was sniffing around for the outlaw that his rider was chasing after when he heard something then instantly hid behind a rock and a branch from a tree.

When the horse figured it was the right time, he jumped out from behind his hiding spot and neighed intimidatingly at the person, thinking it was the outlaw but it was a different man.

The man gasped at the scare then placed a hand over his heart as he looked at the animal with a small chuckle, "a palace horse." He rose a brow amusedly at that. "Where's your rider?" He gasped. It was then when realization struck that his eyes became wide at a thought, "Tony." He breathed then dropped his bag immediately, his food falling out onto the ground, as he turned around to run back to the tower to make sure his son was alright and not taken back to his actual home.
Obadiah made it back to the tower quickly then looked up at the tower, "Tony! Bring me the bot!" He sang sweetly. "Tony?" He called out, worry taking over now at the thought that the teen was taken away from him. He instantly rushed over to a side of the tower that used to be the door he would use to go from the inside to the outside but it was covered with vines. He tore the vines away then shoved the rocks out of the way so he could get inside the tower to check on his son immediately.

When Obadiah finally got up, he looked around the tower frantically in search of the brunette, "Tony!" He called out for him. He rushed to the curtains to see if the teen was just playing a trick on him then headed up to his room and tore the covers off the bed. "Tony!" He shouted pleadingly as he looked in the closet as well. He started to breath heavily while he brought his hands to his head in absolute worry that the King and Queen finally got their missing child back when light was getting in his eye and making him blink to stop the bright light. "What?" He saw the shimmering light then walked over to it, tearing off the bottom step to see what was blinding him for a short moment then picked up the bag just to open it up, take out the object, then gasp and toss the crown on the floor immediately - like it was poison or something. He looked through the bag then took out a piece of paper and looked at it murderously once he saw a person was drawn on it, "Bucky Barnes." He said lowly as he started to plot then crinkled the paper in his hands and slammed it down on the ground. He got up then headed to his room just to open a drawer and take out a dagger as he stuffed it in his coat pocket determinedly.
"I know it's around here somewhere." Bucky pondered in thought then turned his head and hummed when he saw what he was looking for. "Ah, there it is!" He sang. "The Snuggly Duckling." He hummed. "Don't worry. Very quaint place. Perfect for you." He nudged the shorter brunette lightly as they were walking towards it. Tony smiled at him as he actually believed every word he said, starting to hug his frying pan for some weird reason. "Don't want you scaring and giving up on this whole endeavor now, do we?" Bucky nudged the man again lightly.

"Well, I do like ducklings." Tony smiled at him.

"Yay!" Bucky squealed then went back to heading towards the building with a proud walk as the mechanic followed suite.

"Garcon!" Bucky shouted once he burst open the door. "Your finest table please." He smiled brightly while he was holding the brunette's back lightly and nudged him further inside. Tony gasped when he saw the inside of the place then held out frying pan immediately to keep the scary people back. "Ya smell that?" Bucky leaned down towards the man as he urged him inside. "Take a deep breath through the nose." He inhaled deeply as he was still walking into the place. "Really let that seep in. What are you getting?" He turned to the brunette as he looked like he was genuinely asking. "Because, to me, it's part man-smell and the other part is really bad man-smell." He emphasized the difference. "I don't know why, but overall it just smells like the color brown." He pondered aloud. "Your thoughts?" He looked at him expectantly.Tony gasped when he felt something touch his back then turned around immediately and rushed backwards to get away from everybody."Is that blood in your mustache?" Bucky scoffed in disbelief as he leaned down to the man who was sitting in a chair by them. "Brownie, look. He does! He's got blood in his mustache." He laughed at the thought and pointed at him as he nudged the shorter brunette towards him then turned to the man he brought into the place with him. Tony backed up into someone then gulped and turned around quickly to face the man who stood tall in front of him now, making him cower in complete fear at what was going to happen to him for what he did. "Hey!" Bucky sang worriedly as he walked slowly over to the brunette. "You don't look so good, brownie." He stated the obvious. "Maybe we should get ya home, call it a day." He suggested as h moved behind the man to urge him towards the exit. "Probably better off. This is a five-star joint after all. And if ya can't handle this place, well, maybe you should be back in your tower." He spoke as they were right by the door now.

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